Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Someone called DSS with false accusations and i would like to know my legal rights as to what DSS is allowed to do and what they aren't.


Someone called DSS with false accusations and i would like to know my legal rights as to what DSS is allowed to do and what they aren't.


Its just my opinion and you are free to seek others, but you would be wise to cooperate with DSS and be as nice as possible even if the charges are false. DSS plays God and views people like they are all guilty of sexual or physical abuse of the child. While real abuse does happen and is despicable and should be stopped, the system is being gamed by disgrunted parents or others and DSS is too busy fighting the nonsense gripes that don't belong there and ignoring the real abuse.

And I would start looking at my friends, family and neighbors as to potential suspects who may have turned you in so that you can take precautions to avoid that perrson in the future.

If you take an adversarial stance, DSS can take your children away from you. They can seach your home. They can impose onerous conditions on you like force you to attend parenting classes.

If you really are concerned, then get a family lawyer in your county that specializes in these types of cases.

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