Friday, December 19, 2014

I Stop to a gas station to get some gas went in the store to pay and cashier said he already started the pump and I said I haven't paid he s...


I Stop to a gas station to get some gas went in the store to pay and cashier said he already started the pump and I said I haven't paid he said I ASSUMED YOUR DAD WAS GOING TO FILL UP MY TANK..."my dad is a regular there " the total came up to be $57 I didn't have that much he said pay or he call the police they can I had to give my last 45and the officer said come back and pay the rest I was solo hurt crying and embarrassed in front of other customers because his assumptions


What is your question? If you got $X worth of gas, then you owed $X. If you got more gas then you could pay for, sure the owner or manager is going to be angry. From your post, although it is not clear at all, the gas station is the party who has the right to complain about something.

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