Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hello.I want to open an internet business and offer my service to people in brazil. I live in the united states. I am opening a consulting p...



I want to open an internet business and offer my service to people in brazil. I live in the united states. I am opening a consulting practice. I am not selling products. I will be operating in the united states. I do not have an office in brazil. Do I need to register my business and pay taxes in brazil? Do I need a visa in order to sell to brazil? Thank you.


Your questions about Brazil should be directed to a Brazilian attorney. Regardless, keep in mind that you have to comply with all US business and labor laws and should register a corporate entity and obviously pay the required taxes, even if the source of monies you will earning is from abroad.

I help entrepreneurs, just like you, set up businesses that work with foreign clients. Please ping me offline for help.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq.

www.TheLegalists.com │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

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