Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My husband recently cheated on me so I've decided to get a divorce. I have been a stay at home mom for 6 years so I'm finding it somewhat di...


My husband recently cheated on me so I've decided to get a divorce. I have been a stay at home mom for 6 years so I'm finding it somewhat difficult to find a job. My husband doesn't want me to leave so he is intentionally making it more difficult for me to find work. I have a 4 and 6 year old. I have my 4 year old in the mornings and she goes to an elementary school for prek in the afternoons. I would like a full time job (which would require putting her in daycare for the mornings) so I asked my husband if he could pick her up at daycare and take her to school during his lunch break. He refused. He also refuses to help pay for daycare and said that if I want a job then I should work nights. I decided the only way it would work is if I put her in daycare all day (the daycare has a prek program). Yet he said if I did that then he would take me to court and get custody. Would moving her from one prek program to another reflect badly on me? I would only be doing it so I can get a job and support them. Could he really use it against me in court?


I hope you have a lawyer.

Your husband is a jerk and a bully. You can either let him get away with it, or call his bluff. I know a woman who, whenever, she would respond to something her ex-husband said, would include this sentence: "Your children don't need a father who's an asshole."

No, he can't "use it against you in Court" that you have a job that requires you to put the children into daycare.

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