Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What are the parental rights of a parent who has a 16 year old in the state of Ga and the father to be is under age as well and the father t...


What are the parental rights of a parent who has a 16 year old in the state of Ga and the father to be is under age as well and the father to be has a Godmother who's trying to adopt the child based upon what the 16 year old's father to be wants to do with with the baby..


I would urge you to speak with an attorney. Your question is confusing. Are you asking what your parental rights are or what the 16 year old parental rights are? I am assuming the 16 year old is pregnant and you are the grandparent? If so, you have no "parental rights" over the baby as you are a grandparent and not the parent. The mother has the parental rights. Again, not sure what you are asking but you and the mother need to speak to an attorney before a bad decision is made.

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