Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My parents own an apt building, rescently I have taken it over. Years ago my father allowed a tenant to store his boat in our garage, since ...


My parents own an apt building, rescently I have taken it over. Years ago my father allowed a tenant to store his boat in our garage, since that time the boat is no longer there but he he has taken over 2/3 of the garage with other belongings. A year ago my father asked him to clean it up, and he did not comply. Again, 90 days ago my father asked the same so we can pour concrete floors, and again he did not comply. I wrote him a letter giving him 30 days to remove ALL of his belongings and if he did not , we will force us to remove them. When his 30 days has expired, do I have legal right to remove his things? This is not part of his rental agreement, and violates multiple rental agreement rules.


Answer: Depwending upon the specific trms of your rental agreement with this tenant, you may now have to serve him with a THREE DAY NOTICE TO VACATE THE PREMISES FOR BREACH OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT, AND HAVE HIM LEGALLY EVICTED. An experience Attorney shjould be able to help you determine the proper course of action. Good luck!

Sincerely, J. Norman Stark 216-531-5310 x7100.

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