Monday, January 26, 2015

I had my daughter about 6 months ago and i had an epidural. it stopped working after like an hour, when everything was done and the nurse to...


I had my daughter about 6 months ago and i had an epidural. it stopped working after like an hour, when everything was done and the nurse took it out she said it wasn't in the right spot and it was only half way in my spine. now 6 months later i have EXTREMELY bad back pain in the spot where the epidural was and no massage ever even touches the pain. it hurts to bend down, pick things up, and when i move the wrong way or touch my spine it feels like a knife cutting through and puts me to the ground. when i lean forward my husband says he feels a abnormal indentation in my spine (exactly where the epidural was placed) I have an appointment with a chiropractor in a few weeks. is this something i can sue the hospital for if the hospital did in fact mess it up?


Prior to suing the hospital, you have to figure out what is wrong. I would suggest you need to see an anesthesiologist or pain management physician, who routinely administers epidurals to determine if the problem is related or not. If related, you need to ask him if it is because of something which was done incorrectly at the time of the delivery. The chiropractor cannot make these determinations although they certainly may help the pain. You may want to consult with a medical malpractice attorney so you can make sure exactly what information will be needed to assess if there is a claim.

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