Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A high school best friend of mine (Nikki) fell on hard times a couple of years ago. She ended up with a drug habit and resorted to prostitut...


A high school best friend of mine (Nikki) fell on hard times a couple of years ago. She ended up with a drug habit and resorted to prostitution on the streets of Detroit. On more than one occasion she was issued a citation and gave the officer my name, my DOB and a false arrest. When she failed to appear in court a warrant was issued for her arrest. I have not spoken to this person for 12 years. But when i tried to get my drivers license renewed in the State of NH (where I have lived for 10 years) the NH DMV said that there were warrants for my arrest outstanding in Detroit, MI. I obviously was not in Detroit during any of these incidents and have been living and working in NH for the last 10 years. How do I clear my name? I want to travel, move to different states but have this hanging over my head and do not know how to proceed. I can't believe that just because some criminal gives my name and dob that the Detroit Police Dept now have this on the National Crime DB.


You need to hire a michigan attorney. Feel free to contact me I've have handled similar identity issues in the past.

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