Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I recieved a Warranty Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure from my time share, the last time they sent me it was like 3 paragraphs that did not menti...


I recieved a Warranty Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure from my time share, the last time they sent me it was like 3 paragraphs that did not mentioned processing fees. This time they quoted $2500 Processing fees (respond within 7 days and you MAY quality for a discounted rate). By taking advantage of these options (i) account will not be submitted for foreclosure (ii) released from any past deliquency and penalties and (iii) prevent any negative reporting to the various credit agencies.

I onced checked on WDIL and it said it was better than a Foreclosure but its reported to credit agencies still. Is this true? No we do not wish to keep the Time Share, too much of finacial drain and people around me says its hard to get rid of it now that we have it. Bankruptcy? WDIL? Foreclosure? Which would be the best option? (time $$$ and sanity)


I think this is a scam. Contact an attorney and get this done correctly.

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