Sunday, February 1, 2015

I received a letter in the mail from the Michigan State Attorney General's office regarding a former employer and was asked to contact an ag...


I received a letter in the mail from the Michigan State Attorney General's office regarding a former employer and was asked to contact an agent in the criminal division at my earliest convenience. It states that they are investigating a matter involving this employer and believe that I may have worked for them at one time. It concludes that they would like to speak with me in regards to my employment with said employer. This employer is a home health care provider and I am concerned, as a licensed professional, on whether I should seek legal counsel before speaking to the agent. Do I even need to respond?


Short of an investigative subpoena you don't have to respond. Without knowing all the facts i cannot say whether you should ignore the request. That being said you should never discuss a pending criminal matter with law enforcement Without an attorney. Feel free to contact me to discuss.

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