Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I was just written up by my supervisor because I refused to taste food because I was fasting. There are 5 other cooks in the kitchen other t...


I was just written up by my supervisor because I refused to taste food because I was fasting. There are 5 other cooks in the kitchen other then me. My supervisor knew I was fasting as it says in the write up and says I should put the food in my mouth to taste and then spit it out. This goes against my fasting principles. She consulted with HR and I was told to inform HR of my fasting days and accommodations would be made. If accommodations will be made what reason was there for the write up? This doesn't seem right, I am pretty much told I can't practice my faith, is this legal?


If you believe you did not receive a reasonable accomodation because of your religious faith, file a complaint with the Maryland. The website is - http://mccr.maryland.gov/EmploymentDiscrimination.html.

You should consider scheduling an appointment to discuss the matter in an office visit with an experienced employment discrimination lawayer first.

Also licensed in Maryland.

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