Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mgl c 149 S 148 states vacations must be pro rated. Company was purchased and new contract started Oct 1 for all employees. Some received va...


Mgl c 149 S 148 states vacations must be pro rated. Company was purchased and new contract started Oct 1 for all employees. Some received vacation time throughout the year. When I resigned I was informed I would not be receiving any vacation time due to not reaching my anniversary date. I informed them of mass law and how they paid other employees. I notified the labor board who informed me to pursue the matter in small claims. I did. They hired a lawyer who did not show to the hearing. A default was issued. Their lawyer appealed the process and wants a new trial because he stated he never received notice of the hearing ( even tho he called the morning of to ask if a date was scheduled.) 4 days later he sent a letter to the court and myself stating the letter was received but must have been misplaced by his assistant. What should my next action be?


Hire a lawyer to represent you.

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