Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My question is we went to buy a car. The sales person asked how much do you have to put down. My husband said 1600 sales person said ok he n...


My question is we went to buy a car. The sales person asked how much do you have to put down. My husband said 1600 sales person said ok he never mentioned that we had to put down another thousand. My husband went in signed papers. Not knowing bout the 1000 additional down payment now they are threatening to repo car. He called them cause they had txt him about a payment plan and they said he couldn't that he has to send 500.00 plus the car payment. They sent an agent out to the house and said we has to pay for them sending the agent too. On paperwork it says nothing about paying an agent if they were sent out. Right now his job is going slow so they cut hours he explained that to them and it didn't matter. I want to know if this is right fie them to do.My husband feels as if they tricked him on buying the car. What can we do about it.


Look at the terms of what was signed.

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