Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I bought my homeless nephew and girlfriend a mobile home. He agreed to repay me. After three years he has not repaid a penny. His mother , m...


I bought my homeless nephew and girlfriend a mobile home. He agreed to repay me. After three years he has not repaid a penny. His mother , my twin, knew this was a loan and she over heard our agreement. Is there anyway of getting my money back. I am tired of waiting. I gave him the benefit of doubt looks like I was wrong.


So, sue this ingrate for the amount that he owes you + court costs. If the

amount is no more than $5K, you could file your case in small claims court

which is less formal and more liberal with respect to its rules of evidence

than is the case with regular general district court.)

(And, yes, either way you could subpoena your sister to testify under oath

as to what she may know about this matter.)

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