Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Civil demand to recover damages for... theft of personal property" second settlement offer. Unauthorized discounts in the amout of $50. Los...


"Civil demand to recover damages for... theft of personal property" second settlement offer. Unauthorized discounts in the amout of $50. Lost job and received letter. First demand was $250. Now $625. How/why? And does this go on a background check?


This makes no sense. Try taking 3 deep breaths, calm down and re-post your question with relevant facts.

There are no "civil demands" for theft. If there was theft of personal property, you would be charged with a crime and in that case you would need a criminal lawyer not a credit/debt/collections lawyer.

Second, if there was a theft and the person whose property was stolen sought restitution of the thing taken, they would not be giving "discounts." Injured/damaged people don't act this way.

Thirdly, damages do not magically increase. If you stole an article from me worth $500 then I am entitled to $500. I don't get more because you did not pay up - I still get $500.

So based on all of this, I suspect that what you have is either (a) a scam or (b) a payday loan which you defaulted on.

If a scam, then this can be tossed into the trash or used to line a birdcage. However, before I would officially give such advice I (or any attorney) would need to see the actual document. If its a payday loan gone bad, then please read the article on Georgia payday loans at my website: www.rachelhunterlaw.com.

If you wish me to look at the document or otherwise wish to discuss, please contact me at [email protected]/* */

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