Saturday, October 11, 2014

Do multi level marketing pyramids work sometimes?

Do multi level marketing pyramids work sometimes?
Yes some of them really do work. I teach people how to capitalize in Network Marketing. If you treat it like a real business and and follow the proven methods in a decent MLM company anyone can make money. In my company for example they have the start up bonus and a 70% commission payout, that can turn into great money, but the real money is by helping others make money. Anyone that I personally bring into the company I get paid 25% of whatever their monthly commission check is, If I helped you make $1000 a month I get paid $250, if it was $10,000 I get $2500 extra.
In five years if I bring 200 people in (about 3 a month) and half cancel (hey it happens.) That leaves me with 100 people. If they average $500 a month commissions (they can easily earn that their first month) that is $12,500 a month as a bonus on top of my commissions. If I invested that bonus in my mattress at 0% interest for 10 years that turns into $1.5 million for a retirement, in 25 years that bonus could be $3.75 million.

The problem is no one treats it like a business, after 2 weeks they are done because they are not millionaires. Traditional business it can take years to get out of the red, In network marketing you start out in the black. Assets are not tied up in real estate, equipment, employees or stocks, it is just cash flow.

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