Monday, October 20, 2014

Grandmother passed in 2002, no will. She left stocks with my sister and I as beneficiaries. Her son, our father was already deceased at the ...


Grandmother passed in 2002, no will. She left stocks with my sister and I as beneficiaries. Her son, our father was already deceased at the time of her death. At the time of my gran's death my sister was married. About a year ago my sister took the stock certificates (Still in Grandma's name) and said she was going to work on transferring them into our names, Sister and I. My sister just passed away unexpectedly on Nov. 1st, 2014. She was married and she & husband adopted a daughter. I need to find out if my brother in law or sister's adopted daughter have any right to the stocks. I am not sure exactly what she did with them. Brother in law is hemming and hawing on when and IF he will send me copies of the documents.


This is not an appeal question You need to ask the question to a probate attorney.

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