Wednesday, October 8, 2014

how can you file for divorce if spouce is living in another country and you can't locate him?


how can you file for divorce if spouce is living in another country and you can't locate him?


It can be done. Though it's not as easy as know where the other spouse is. We did one like this last year.



If a Defendant's address is not known, but the plaintiff knows in what city he resides, the Plaintiff can file a "Motion for Leave to Serve by Publication". The Plaintiff enumerates all the steps and efforts taken to locate a physical address for Defendant . Then, states that "Despite the aforesaid efforts, Plaintiff has been unable to ascertain a current, physical address for Defendant and has been unable to serve the Complaint in Divorce upon said Defendant.. Then, the "Wherefore" clause,

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this Honorable Court to enter an Order, allowing Plaintiff to effect service of the Complaint in Divorce on Defendant by publication. Plaintiff shall publish the attached Notice in the "______", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of __________ , State of ______, ______ Country,, ______ times per week, for ______ consecutive weeks. Service of the Complaint in Divorce on the Defendant shall be complete upon Plaintiff's filing proof of publication with the Office of the Prothonotary of ______ County. ,

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