Wednesday, October 15, 2014

if i got ordered to pay my exs atty fee, per phone call she stated id have to pay her 4k, by the time the order was printed it said 5k, does...


if i got ordered to pay my exs atty fee, per phone call she stated id have to pay her 4k, by the time the order was printed it said 5k, does virginia have a mandated amount or did no one bother to ask her. of course she didn't correct them either? sad part is, i won my judgement, this was off a counter spousal suit for him so i think she's trying to either save him 1k or split it....either way it reeks of unethical or even illegal. what can i do?


A court order is a court order, if you and your attorney think its BS - appeal. Otherwise, either pay up or be prepared to pay the consequences' for failing to comply with the court's order. And BTW if this is a Virginia order - you need to ask your question to Virginia attorneys - their laws may be different.

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