Thursday, October 16, 2014

If you given the right to by a peice of property from family and you pay it off in clear but no bill of sale takes place and 20 or so years ...


If you given the right to by a peice of property from family and you pay it off in clear but no bill of sale takes place and 20 or so years pass by and you find out no one owns or claims the property you purchase what are your rights


You can't buy or sell property without a written document. All sales of property must be in writing. In fact, anything relating to the sale of property (like an option to purchase, offer, etc.) must be in writing to be valid. Oral agreements relating to the sale of land in Louisiana are completely invalid.

That being said, if you have been living on the property for 20 years, you are 2/3 of the way to full ownership by right of acquisitive prescription. If you possess land for 30 years (even if you are squatting on it), you own it.

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