Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My husband's mom died 2 years ago. His dad died monday. We spent the last 10 weeks taking turns with his sister visiting dad in hospice as h...


My husband's mom died 2 years ago. His dad died monday. We spent the last 10 weeks taking turns with his sister visiting dad in hospice as he died a horrible painful death of bone cancer. it is only the 2 siblings. She was given POA for financial at the beginning because she lived in the same town as the parents we assumed? The sister called Friday and said she met with the probate lawyer and the will stated he gets 20,000 and she was left the entire estate so she hoped their was no hard feelings? Estate worth over well over 300,000 in assets and cash? Please help advise what are options?


There are legal grounds to challenge wills in WI, for things such as undue influence or lack of testamentary capacity, so a probate lawyer might be able to help you, provided that you act immediately. There are strict deadlines for objecting to wills before they are admitted to probate and funds disbursed under their terms, so act immediately is you hope to do any better than the bequest in the will. Normally, if the will is thrown out, children would inherit equally under the laws of intestate succession.

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