Wednesday, October 22, 2014

On april 7th 2014 my husband committed suicide while taking chantix. the dr giving him the medicine was also prescribing anti anxity and ant...


On april 7th 2014 my husband committed suicide while taking chantix. the dr giving him the medicine was also prescribing anti anxity and anti depressents. On top of all this my stepsons suicide me for the estate. While waiting mediation i was locked out of my home. The security company was suppose to be neutral during this time and even after i was given the home. The security company allowed people unsupervised on to my property where they stoled 60 bales of hay propane tanks a canoe amongst other things. When i question the people who took the hay. they told me that they had permission form the security company this is false. they had no legal right.. this seems like dereliction of duty do i have a case.


Your case is not a guaranteed win, but you do have an arguable claim against the security company, especially if the people who took things are willing to testify that they were given permission to do so by the security company's employees. I would pursue the claim, because there may be some value there, even if it is only for the nuisance value.

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