Wednesday, October 22, 2014

were hired as independent contractors in california as massage therapist.Can the owner charge us a monthly base rent???on top of the rent we...


were hired as independent contractors in california as massage therapist.Can the owner charge us a monthly base rent???on top of the rent we already pay(per client)???


Yes. It all depends on the lease agreement you agree too. In my opinion, I would find a new office and report this owner for gouging.

Report consumer fraud to the California Attorney General.

Report to the Better Business Bureau

Report to the California Department of Real Estate

Contact the California Housing and Community Development Department.


A business should have a written lease for its premises. If you do, read it carefully, or get a lawyer to interpret it for you. Whatever it says, that's your rent. If you don't have a written lease, get one, either from this landlord or, after you move, from your new landlord.

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