Thursday, October 23, 2014

What are the characteristics of services that will be most appropriate for Internet delivery?

What are the characteristics of services that will be most appropriate for Internet delivery?
Internet service can be provided through telephone lines .Internetconnection speed can generally be divided into two categories:dialup and broadband
Characteristics of the Internet:
The characteristics of the Internet that affect its usefulness inservice can be divided broadly into Information and Connectivity."The advantages arise from the Internet's enormous capacity to linkparticipants with information and with each other.
The Information and Connectivity of the Internet have uniquecharacteristics:
Information on the Internet is multimedia--capable of havingcoloured images, sound and video. These can be expensive toproduce, but increasingly there are open sources of these types ofcontent that are free of charge. Once produced, the price ofdistribution of the information is nominal compared to that ofproducing hard-copy books, CDs and films.

Information on the Internet can be hyperlinked. This permits bothtutors and learners to assemble large bodies of information from awide variety of sources without actually having to store theinformation in one place; e.g., on paper or a hard disk. Hyperlinkswithin information on the Internet enables users to find or citeadditional sources of pertinent information.

Information on the Internet is searchable. Search engines such asGoogle enable users to find information on every imaginable topic.

Intelligent agents can be programmed to search the Internet forparticular information and inform the user of the existence andlocation of that information. In fact, these agents can harvestpertinent information and deliver it to the user's desktop.

Information on the Internet originates from world-wide sources.Users are no longer limited to the library, gallery, museum orvideo or record store in their locale.

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