Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hi I know this is going to sound bad but me and my aunt have been having family issues and one day we got into a fight, so out of spite I st...


Hi I know this is going to sound bad but me and my aunt have been having family issues and one day we got into a fight, so out of spite I stole her (she claims) $2000 dollar ring and sold it to a pawn shop for $230 well she ended up finding out the next day and we went and got the ring back. So my question is, ever since I stole her ring her and my uncle have been saying if I do anything wrong that they will call the cops and report me to the police and thry will bring me to prison for ten years, can they do that? Even though she got her ring back? Because I always thought that would be considered blackmail because thats like condoning a wrong act with another wrong act. So whats the law on that in Iowa?


You committed a felony theft if the value of the ring was in fact over $1000. If the value was as they say its a Class D felony punishable by up to a 5 year prison sentence. I don't see anything criminal about their threat to turn you in if you do anything else wrong.

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