Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How far back can someone go on a child support order whithout an actual order?In October of last year, my 15 year old son made the decision ...


How far back can someone go on a child support order whithout an actual order?

In October of last year, my 15 year old son made the decision that he wanted to live with his father instead of me. My ex husband did a child custody modification that changed the custodial parent to him. The paperwork kept getting redone because the child support amount was inaccurate (they had me making 3,000.00 more a month than I do). The paperwork was submitted in January according to my ex, but I have not received any papers telling me what to pay. Now he wants back child support. How far back can he go? From the time my son moved in with him? or from the time the order was submitted. I keep getting further and further behind because I don't know what the order amount is for. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


The child support order can be amended as of the date of filing the petition to amend.

You should have been active in the modification - if not you should get involved so that the right amounts are entered.

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