Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I have a child out of wedlock and the father has issues but keeps threatening to take my daughter from me through the courts. I have a full ...


I have a child out of wedlock and the father has issues but keeps threatening to take my daughter from me through the courts. I have a full time job with benefits and he doesn't work but is trying to start a business from home which I don't agree with for good reasons. Is there anyway he can get custody of her?


Really need to know more. I presume that he has not established paternity so unless you both signed an "Affidavit of Paternity", he currently has no rights. Where has your daughter lived since birth? How much has he seen the child? He would argue that since he is "working" from home, that might be the better place to have custody since your daughter would not be in day care.

Do you have any other children so that we can say that she should live with her siblings? So to answer your question, until we know what Dad's issues are and what the good reasons that you don't agree with his business, it is hard to answer your question but yes, he can get custody of her.

If you would like to make an appointment, you may email me at [email protected]/* */

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