Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I just got married and then found out my husband had signed in his divorce decree that he would pay child support till his kids are 20 or ha...


I just got married and then found out my husband had signed in his divorce decree that he would pay child support till his kids are 20 or have a job. Is this something legal will the child support department actually pull from his check till they are 20. Or should we get a lawyer to change the divorce decree. One of the kids will be 18 this year. So we need to know if we should get on this or not.


If that is what the order says, that is what he will do. On what basis do you think he should not honor his obligation to support his children?


Parties can agree in a divorce to support past 18, and when the judge signs it, it is binding. Why is your husband thinking he can ignore a court order and contract?

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