Monday, December 15, 2014

If mediation orders were signed and one party feels they have not been fairly represented can a letter be written to the judge by that party...


If mediation orders were signed and one party feels they have not been fairly represented can a letter be written to the judge by that party to over turn mediation orders?


If the mediated settlement agreement complies with all the requirements of section 6.602 of the Texas Family Code, you are going to have a hard time repudiating the agreement unless you can show fraud of some sort. Once a valid MSA is signed by both parties and each party's attorney (if any), the other party is entitled to judgment on the terms of the MSA.

If you want to get out of an MSA, you will have to invest in a consultation with a local family law attorney and explain exactly why you want to get out of the MSA.

Good luck!!

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