Sunday, December 14, 2014

My grandmother's sister died in Texas without a will about a year ago Their was 9 siblings, but my grandmother is the only living sibling. S...


My grandmother's sister died in Texas without a will about a year ago Their was 9 siblings, but my grandmother is the only living sibling. So she paid the taxes on her house and fixed it up, cause it needed a lot of work and decided to move in. Now one of her deceased brother's daughter shows up and wants to know what she is intitled to with the house. And intends to take it to court. What is my grandmother's wrights and is she the heir or does she have to divide everything up with her because her brother is deceased.


If your grandmother's sister had children, they are the rightful heirs. IF not, then if the parents of your grandmother's sister are dead, her siblings inherit. IF a sibling is dead, then that siblings children take the share that the sibling would have inherited if alive. In any case, somebody is going to have to go to court to get title cleard.

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