Friday, December 12, 2014

my soon to be ex wife and i are arguing over custody and geographic restrictions for my son. i want joint 50/50 custody. and for him to be ...


my soon to be ex wife and i are arguing over custody and geographic restrictions for my son. i want joint 50/50 custody. and for him to be kept in the city hes lived in his entire life the other day at our temporary hearing her and her attorney essentially blackmailed and strong armed ex has evidence of me looking at pornography and texting people inappropriately. so her and her attonery were going to claim im a sex/pornography addict and have any and all visitation and custody rights stripped from me unless I would agree to pay her approx, $3k a month! she is also telling me that its going to try to move about 1,000 miles away from me with me son becuase she says its in my sons best interest and also says she will claim that same threat again to get her way. what should I do about all of this? all i want is to be an active parent in my sons life like ive aways been.


It sounds like you are proceeding without an attorney so the best advice I can give you is to hire an attorney. If you have an attorney then you need to talk to your attorney about this situation. It does not sound like you will see your son much after the divorce if you let your spouse yank you around like that.

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