Monday, December 15, 2014

Who and when invented of bycycle?

Who and when invented of bycycle?
No one. The word is "bicycle" and the first really popular and commercially successful "velocipede" design was invented by French blacksmith, Ernest Michaux in 1863. A simpler and more elegant solution than the Macmillan bicycle; Michaux's design included rotary cranks and pedals mounted to the front wheel hub. In 1868, Ernest Michaux founded Michaux et Cie (Michaux and company), the first company to manufacture velocipedes with pedals commercially.Penny Farthing The Penny Farthing is also referred to as the "High" or "Ordinary" bicycle, and the first one was invented in 1871 by British engineer, James Starley. The Penny Farthing came after the development of the French "Velocipede", and other versions of early bikes. However, the Penny Farthing was the first really efficient bicycle, consisting of a small rear wheel and large front wheel pivoting on a simple tubular frame with tires of rubber. Safety Bicycle In 1885, British inventor John Kemp Starley designed the first "safety bicycle" with a steerable front wheel, two equally-sized wheels, and a chain drive to the rear wheel.

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