Saturday, January 24, 2015

How do I get free financial advice? How do I get my deceased parents home in my name?


How do I get free financial advice? How do I get my deceased parents home in my name?


Call any broker. Real Estate or financial. Ask if they charge by the transaction or on a fee basis.

As to the home, it depends entirely on how title is held. You may need a probate process, andn need probate counsel to do that . We would need to see the deed to answer your question.


Did your parents have a Will or a Trust?

Are you the only heir?

I suspect that your parents died without a Will and so you will need to hire an attorney to file a Probate for you. Even if you are the sole heir, you will need to go through Probate. For example, there may be Medi-Cal liens that have to be addressed. Meet with a capable Probate attorney and he or she will be able to assist you. Fees for Probate are not paid until the Estate is closed, so it won't cost you out of pocket to start the process.

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