Sunday, January 25, 2015

My grandfather appointed me and my wife as his powers of attorney. We wrote checks signing his name, made ATM withdrawals, and he allowed us...


My grandfather appointed me and my wife as his powers of attorney. We wrote checks signing his name, made ATM withdrawals, and he allowed us to have some money too in the form of cash. Since he is 97, his memory is not very good and forgot a lot of the things that we did. His bank called him and asked him to come in. They told him that they believed there was fraud being conducted. On their advice, he went to the police and filed a police report saying that the checks and ATM withdrawals were not authorized. The police have begun questioning me and my wife. When I talked to my grandfather, he said that he was confused about what the bank said and that he knows and approved what we did, even signing his name for him as he told us to do several times. Now he wants to have the police stop investigating the matter and he wants it dropped. If he tells the police this and tells them that everything that occured was with his consent, will they have to drop it as he requests?


Once law enforcement is involved, a person cannot stop their investigation. You should most definitely seek the advice of a highly qualified criminal defense attorney in or near your area. Thye should offer a FREE consultation. I wish you well. David Wallin

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