Saturday, January 25, 2014

How do I get my ex to stop filing motion after motion just because she can. She is a legal secretary and the firm that she works for is repr...


How do I get my ex to stop filing motion after motion just because she can. She is a legal secretary and the firm that she works for is representing her as well. Stupid stuff like I didn't buy my daughter cell phone. She is only 10. She has change the final divorce creed about 4 times in 2 years and no one will help me.


You may have legal recourse to challenge the frivolous motions filed by your ex. Florida law strictly prohibits the use of frivolous motions, or motions intended solely for the purposes of delay or harassment. If you can prove the motions are either frivolous or solely for the purpose of delay or harassment you may be entitled to have your ex pay your legal fees for the defense of these motions. I suggest you contact a family law attorney in your area for help.

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