Saturday, January 25, 2014

My kid's father and I split up 6 months ago when I finally got the courage to leave the abusive relationship. I then got an order of protect...


My kid's father and I split up 6 months ago when I finally got the courage to leave the abusive relationship. I then got an order of protection. Now his mother is harrassing me on the phone. Can I get a restraining order against her too? My kids still see their father and as much as i would love to have him out of my life completely, I know he loves my boys and they love him. i am trying to do the right thing for them, and i thought them having a relationship with their grandmother was the right thing, but i can't take it anymore. She talks bad about me to my kids, calling me a whore, saying that my sister is really my mother. God only knows what else. The other day she called me & said she called the police because I took them to see my family in Illinois for our Christmas party. I cleared it with their father first and we went for the weekend. While i was driving back i got 45 texts from her saying that dcfs was called, the police were called, she was getting custody of the kids,,,etc. Now my ex is saying that he never gave me permission to take the kids across the state line. (She is paying his bills so he won't go against her). i just want to get on with my life. I have very little money & the only people I know in IN are his family. Is there anything I can do to keep them from controlling me, while still letting my kids have a relationship with their father?


You might want to hire an attorney to send a cease and desist letter to the grandmother, outlining what is appropriate behavior. If that does not work, you may have grounds for a protective order.

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