Monday, January 27, 2014

I am in a same sex relationship to which we got married last Dec 23rd 2013 when it was legal here in Utah. The law went back and forth but I...


I am in a same sex relationship to which we got married last Dec 23rd 2013 when it was legal here in Utah. The law went back and forth but I am still not sure if people today can get married. Anyhow, I wanted to know if we can get an annulment as some of the statutes state same sex marriage qualified but can it now? We want to try for an annulment first before the divorce route?

Any info would be so helpful!


From what I understand, your marriage is valid and recognized as such by the State of Utah and yes, same sex couples can marry in Utah. As far as seeking an annulment, you would only be able to do that if same sex marriages were not valid when you entered into it. The only other real basis under which you would be able to get an annulment would be to have it based on fraud or misrepresentation and without knowing more information, it would be hard for me to render an opinion. Basically, you may end up having to follow through with doing a divorce if it's your intention to terminate your marital relationship with your spouse.

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