Friday, January 24, 2014

Was sent by a women's wellness doctor to a chiropractor and was manipulated so bad that I have not been able to walk without crutches or a c...


Was sent by a women's wellness doctor to a chiropractor and was manipulated so bad that I have not been able to walk without crutches or a cane for over 4 months. I have been told by new Drs that it was directly caused by the manipulation. And that I'm looking at at least a year of PT before I can hopefully walk the same. Should I get a lawyer and if so where do I start? Our city is bigger but small enough everyone knows everyone and am worried about personal inference. Also our money is low due to lack of being able to work and need one that wouldn't charge unless they win. Any advice? Thanks


Medical malpractice case, including chiropractic malpractice cases, depend on the ability to find a competent expert who believes the injury was caused by the negligence of the medical treatment provider, It appears that you have sustained a significant injury. Additional facts must be known in order to determine whether you have a viable case. Contact an experienced malpractice lawyer, and remember that time limitations apply. Do not delay. We are here to help.

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