Tuesday, January 28, 2014

what, if any legal recourse do i have in the state of New York if i was in a 12 yr. domestic situation as roommates which the other party no...


what, if any legal recourse do i have in the state of New York if i was in a 12 yr. domestic situation as roommates which the other party not only walked out and left me holding the bag for everything financially. The bills in both our names,back debt,etc.. I was also physically injured as a direct and possibly intentional result of his actions. The person is on probation and drinking heavily. this person also has at least a 10yr. history of sexual compulsions and predatory behavior of poaching older women in difficult situations, and who must also have young girls in the home.I do have texts,witnesses,pictures,and some records that will show i am accurate in these statements.I am also disabled and have no idea if i even have any recourse or what my rights are or where to begin?


Hello - please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828.Kind regards, RDM

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