Sunday, January 26, 2014

My ex girlfriend recently assaulted me and was arrested for assault 3, criminal mischief 4 and harassment 3. I know two of these are misdeme...


My ex girlfriend recently assaulted me and was arrested for assault 3, criminal mischief 4 and harassment 3. I know two of these are misdemeanors and one is a violation. This is her first offense and I know in most cases first time offenders can plea down from the initial chargers. She has been violent before and caused significant physical damage to my face and broke a pair of glasses. Is this a situation where she will be able plea out of the misdemeanors and have no criminal record or will she have at least one of the misdemeanors stay on her record from your experience. Thanks.


With a first offense, she might well be able to plead out of the case. If you are still concerned about her actions, you counld get a restraining order against her.

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