Saturday, January 25, 2014

My fiance was with a girl about 9 months ago. She just had a baby last week. She knew he could have been the potential father but had the ot...


My fiance was with a girl about 9 months ago. She just had a baby last week. She knew he could have been the potential father but had the other potential father sign that he was father without dna test to give child up for adoption. Didn't she have to put him down as potential father so DNA test would be done? Now do I pay for dna test to see for sure who's it is? Or would a dna test have been done for the adoption and them just say their wasn't??....


If you think you are the biological father then you have to file a petition with the court to establish your parental rights.

Use of a lawyer is recommended.


File with the State of Florida a Putative Father's Statement - you will find it online. This way the child can not be adopted until it has been resolved that no other person claims a right to this child.

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