Sunday, October 12, 2014

Greetings,I recently purchased a house with my fiance in NJ. The first mortgage payment is due tomorrow. I didn't mean to be, but I was unfa...



I recently purchased a house with my fiance in NJ. The first mortgage payment is due tomorrow. I didn't mean to be, but I was unfaithful to her with another women. By that I mean someone saw me out holding hands and kissing someone else. My fiance has ended the relationship and has told me that she will sue me for ownership of the house. I think what she means is that she wants to get an attorney and arrange it so that I still have to pay for half of the mortgage, but she will get to live there by herself. We don't have any kids together and we have never lived together. Can she legally do this? I was thinking that it was more reasonable for one of us to buy the other out but I'm not sure how that would work as we took out the loan together. I'm not sure if being engaged is as legally binding as being married. Any information that is provided would help.


You raise a number of legal issues. I would suggest that you come in and make an appointment so that we can discuss your remedies.

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