Sunday, October 12, 2014

What is a old business?

What is a old business?
The answer to "what is an old business?" is rather simple.....what is an old business? Well for one thing it is a very stupid question.....and it is poorly worded......This is the most I can give ya.....except to smack myself in the head and say repeatably "My God....People Can NOT BE THIS STUPID CAN THEY?!?!?" Then fall on the floor into a fetal position and cry myself to sleep because I cant believe just how retarted some people in the world are.......I mean honestly if I take this question literally.......its just God awful! old an old buisness....meaning it is not a young has been around for a while.....unless you dont understand English this question is just nonsense....its like asking "what is a brown horse".......Or "what is a small stone"...........I can only imagine that the author of this question some how imagined that there was some kind of special meaning to this phraise....beyone the a code or somethng.......let me tell you...there is is just a stupid question....that is all.

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