Saturday, October 11, 2014

I have filed for divorce my ex and I have been trying to come to agreements so we don't have to go to trial but I'm starting to think it mig...


I have filed for divorce my ex and I have been trying to come to agreements so we don't have to go to trial but I'm starting to think it might be better to what do you think and would we stand a better chance? My ex has had our boys and last yr his paramor and him were busted for manufacturing meth dhs placed boys back with them said they did not want in between a custody battle. I have a clean record and so does my paramor "we recently had a baby boy" i filed for divorce asked for physical custody my ex never got served papers my attonerny wouldn't do anything till my ex and me would work out custody among us so it wouldn't got to trial my wants physical custody and was asking $500 month child support meet halfway for pick up n drop off every other weekend they live 3hrs north of us. I can't afford that in child support so the next was $325 month he claims both boys this yr and I do all transportation which I can't do all transportations either that's a 5-6hr round trip. Should I take it to trial and fight for physical custody or who desides child support amounts and wouldn't meeting halfway only be right. Needing some honest legal advice on what is my better options since my attonerny doesn't talk with me or answer my questions


If you don't think your attorney is responding adequately, fire them and get yourself another one. It's difficult to evaluate your case without knowing all the facts. Have you tried mediation?

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