Saturday, January 31, 2015

What are the release dates for Good Eats - 1999 Espress Yourself 10-20?

What are the release dates for Good Eats - 1999 Espress Yourself 10-20?
Good Eats - 1999 Espress Yourself 10-20 was released on:

USA: 4 April 2007

can you legally move out of your parents home at the age of 16?


can you legally move out of your parents home at the age of 16?


The short answer for NY is no. The age of consent in NY is 17 and 18 is the age of adulthood. However. You can go to court to be recognized as "emancipated" meaning you can support yourself and have a job. Sixteen is a little young for that though.

What is a form of English money?

What is a form of English money?
Pounds and pence

Came from Canada's Wonderland one day ago and I cannot get the intense falling feeling to go away help?

Came from Canada's Wonderland one day ago and I cannot get the intense falling feeling to go away help?
Rest will help you recover some of the feelings. When i was there, i am totaly freaked out and my body feels like they are still spinning. :[

When renting a house, who is responsible if someone gets hurt own property?


When renting a house, who is responsible if someone gets hurt own property?


It depends on the provisions of the lease. If the person got injured due to a condition created by the owner, the owner is likely responsible, provided he had notice of the condition. If the person was injured inside the house, and the tenant had control of the premises, the tenant may be liable. The question is, does the tenant have renter's insurance? Does the lease require the tenant to have insurance? Who had control of the property at the time of the injury? All of these questions have a bearing on who is liable.

Is there a minimum interest requirement or can the loan be no interest? This is a non-arms length (Family) loan.


Is there a minimum interest requirement or can the loan be no interest? This is a non-arms length (Family) loan.


A loan can be interest free.

What is meant by economizing?

What is meant by economizing?
What people usually seem to mean is to cut costs. Putting less into a product or service in hopes of getting more out of it. There is a limit though to economizing. You can cut or control people wages for so long before they look for work elsewhere. You can find less expensive inputs into the products you make but quality eventually suffers. Economizing is fine so long as you keep it in perspective or you'll find economize can cost a lot in the end.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My parents own an apt building, rescently I have taken it over. Years ago my father allowed a tenant to store his boat in our garage, since ...


My parents own an apt building, rescently I have taken it over. Years ago my father allowed a tenant to store his boat in our garage, since that time the boat is no longer there but he he has taken over 2/3 of the garage with other belongings. A year ago my father asked him to clean it up, and he did not comply. Again, 90 days ago my father asked the same so we can pour concrete floors, and again he did not comply. I wrote him a letter giving him 30 days to remove ALL of his belongings and if he did not , we will force us to remove them. When his 30 days has expired, do I have legal right to remove his things? This is not part of his rental agreement, and violates multiple rental agreement rules.


Answer: Depwending upon the specific trms of your rental agreement with this tenant, you may now have to serve him with a THREE DAY NOTICE TO VACATE THE PREMISES FOR BREACH OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT, AND HAVE HIM LEGALLY EVICTED. An experience Attorney shjould be able to help you determine the proper course of action. Good luck!

Sincerely, J. Norman Stark 216-531-5310 x7100.

What is the opposite of breaking and entering? When a lock is placed on an exterior door to keep someone out? This is a storage unit and loc...


What is the opposite of breaking and entering? When a lock is placed on an exterior door to keep someone out? This is a storage unit and lock placed by individual and NOT the owner of storage facility.


Sorry but this question is not answerable. The owner of a storage facility may likely retain the right to enter the unit and cut off a lock if needed under a set of circumstances. The contract between the storage facility and the unit occupier needs to reviewed.

What are the parental rights of a parent who has a 16 year old in the state of Ga and the father to be is under age as well and the father t...


What are the parental rights of a parent who has a 16 year old in the state of Ga and the father to be is under age as well and the father to be has a Godmother who's trying to adopt the child based upon what the 16 year old's father to be wants to do with with the baby..


I would urge you to speak with an attorney. Your question is confusing. Are you asking what your parental rights are or what the 16 year old parental rights are? I am assuming the 16 year old is pregnant and you are the grandparent? If so, you have no "parental rights" over the baby as you are a grandparent and not the parent. The mother has the parental rights. Again, not sure what you are asking but you and the mother need to speak to an attorney before a bad decision is made.

I am an Ordained Christian Reverend. I have started a solely "on-line" christian church which has no physical bulding and no direct physical...


I am an Ordained Christian Reverend. I have started a solely "on-line" christian church which has no physical bulding and no direct physical contact or communication between my web0-church visitors and members. Am I entitled to 501(c)3 laws and rules concerning churches?


Only if you strictly follow and adhere and are entitled to those protections under the 501 c 3 rules.


You might qualify if you do all the filings, reportings, and other things required to obtain and maintain correct legal and tax status.

How do I find a pro nobody attorney to help me with my visa to stay in united states? My visa is soon to RUN out


How do I find a pro nobody attorney to help me with my visa to stay in united states? My visa is soon to RUN out


Please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828 to discuss your case and matters. Kind regards, RDM

Me n my wife are getting separated. We r from Virginia and haven't got the paperwork started yet. Haven't been able to get ahold of her in t...


Me n my wife are getting separated. We r from Virginia and haven't got the paperwork started yet. Haven't been able to get ahold of her in two weeks. Just found out she moved out of state and took my two kids with her. She didn't tell me anything about her leaving and don't know where my kids are can I press any charges on her and what do I need to do


You can forget about filing (criminal) charges in the situation described. A more fruitful course for you to consider could be filing immediately for custody of your two children in your local J&DR; court.

Hi, I am on work visa (H1B) and plan to open a business . I plan to buy a truck and lease it to a logistic company and get monthly rental . ...



I am on work visa (H1B) and plan to open a business . I plan to buy a truck and lease it to a logistic company and get monthly rental . I want to start a small company because i want to increase the business from 1 vehicle to many more and avail all tax benefits .( I expect to earn about 20-25,000 USD per year from this business)

Can i start a business on my current H1B status or do i need a GC holder or Permanent Resident /Citizen to start a business . Also what type of company should I open C corp / S / LLC for better tax benefits .


No, your HIB visa status does not authorize you to start and run

a business but only to work as an employee of the one company

which has specifically sponsored you for this visa.

As for your second question, you might want to consult with an accountant

or tax attorney on this issue after you are legally authorized to

start such a business.

How much groundnuts required to extract 1 liter of oil?

How much groundnuts required to extract 1 liter of oil?
Depending on the variety, groundnuts may have up towards 50% of oils. Not all of this will be commercially extractable. So, under good conditions, you should be able to extract your litre of oil from 2 - 3 kilograms of groundnuts.
Because of their shape factor, probably up to 4 - 5 litres of loose groundnuts.

If i asked my friend to help install my car radio and he cuts the wrong wire, is he obligated to pay me back for his mistake. His mistake co...


If i asked my friend to help install my car radio and he cuts the wrong wire, is he obligated to pay me back for his mistake. His mistake costed 100$ to fix. I've been asking for the money for over 6 months now. He says he'll pay me back but i dont think he will. What can i do?


Not much. You asked him to help you out, and unless he is an expert radio installer, and since you didn't pay him for his services, you have no case against him. He just made a mistake.

My uncle recently passed away. He had a wife, but no parents, children, step-children, or. grandchildren. He married later in life, at age 4...


My uncle recently passed away. He had a wife, but no parents, children, step-children, or. grandchildren. He married later in life, at age 41. He had a living revocable trust. My aunt is being secretive about its contents. She has told my brother that my uncle left several large amounts of money to various charities. I am one of 8 blood neices and nephews my uncle had. He also has a sister still alive ( my mother ). My aunt made no mention that we are mentioned in the trust, let alone be left anything. If we are not even mentioned in the trust, don't we have a reason to contest the trust? I realize if he mentioned us, but had instructions that no provisions be made to us, we are probably out-of- luck. THis uncle was very, very frugile and we know he had at least 3-4 million dollars. We all were also very, very close to him throughout our lives. He treated us like his own children. We all were very good to him, always inviting him for holidays, parties,etc. I, and my siblings and cousins, are shocked to think he left us totally out as beneficiaries. His wife has her own money, pension, social securty, savings, etc.. and did not depend on my uncle's money. What are your thoughts. Thanks in advance.


You may not like this answer, but a niece has no legal right to inherit property from an uncle under these circumstances. The trust agreement will dispose of the property which your uncle transferred to the Trustee and other property will be disposed of by his will, if there was one. If he died without a will and is survived by a wife, then in these circumstances the wife takes everything.

Who is the othur the jugle book?

Who is the othur the jugle book?
No-one, spell it right first.

Is it common practice for an attorney in North Carolina to prepare a General Warranty Deed without doing a title search allowing one heir t...


Is it common practice for an attorney in North Carolina to prepare a General Warranty Deed without doing a title search; allowing one heir to sign over heir property to another heir without consent or knowledge of all heirs involved?

Also, should this attorney be allowed to notarize his own document?


Without looking at the actual document I cannot render an opinion.

Usually, non-warranty deeds or quitclaim deeds maybe are used to transfer property between heirs, but a warranty deed provides the heir acquiring the land with more protections. A warranty deed warrants (or promises) that there are no liens or other title defects with the property or things like judgments against the seller. If there are, could be an issue for the seller.

Since they are heirs, I presume they are familiar with the property and its issues and there is no need for a title search as there would be in the case of two strangers - one buying and the other selling property. In such case the buyer does a title search because he/she wants to know what he is buying.

Also title searches make a difference usually in cases where a common ancestor like a grandparent or great-grandparent owned a big chunk of land and the land devolved to children or grandchildren or relatives and has been subdivided. Those are the cases where you get title issues/boundary issues because surveys in the past were not always as accurate as today. If we are talking about a house in a more urban or suburban area with lots of development, chances are that the parcel in question has had the title looked at lots of times and is fine.

If it is an issue, do your own title search ... lawyers go back 60 years. If you are interested, go back further. You may learn something interesting about the property. All transactions against the property would be recorded and if the land is in NC then many of the counties are online and it is easy to look up the deeds.

Any heir has the power to transfer his/her share to anyone else, including another heir without the consent of the others unless there is some other restrictive covenant or document of some type. So if A, B, C, D and E all inherit a piece of land and E just wants his money, he can sell his share to B and A, C and D do not need to know about it and do not have to consent. A, C and D can do nothing to prevent the sale. If they do not like it then they can buy out the shares now owned by B or seek partition of the land.

As for a lawyer being a notary and notarizing a document which he drafted, I do not see a problem with this. You do not understand the difference between drafting and notarizing. A notary signature only attests to the fact that the people who signed the deed (here the heirs) appeared before the notary and were who they claimed to be. Nothing more. The notary does not check the lawyer's work for accuracy. If its wrong, its wrong - and having a notary signature does not make it less wrong or right.

So if the lawyer is a registered notary and has a valid stamp then I do not see a problem with this.

My husband recently cheated on me so I've decided to get a divorce. I have been a stay at home mom for 6 years so I'm finding it somewhat di...


My husband recently cheated on me so I've decided to get a divorce. I have been a stay at home mom for 6 years so I'm finding it somewhat difficult to find a job. My husband doesn't want me to leave so he is intentionally making it more difficult for me to find work. I have a 4 and 6 year old. I have my 4 year old in the mornings and she goes to an elementary school for prek in the afternoons. I would like a full time job (which would require putting her in daycare for the mornings) so I asked my husband if he could pick her up at daycare and take her to school during his lunch break. He refused. He also refuses to help pay for daycare and said that if I want a job then I should work nights. I decided the only way it would work is if I put her in daycare all day (the daycare has a prek program). Yet he said if I did that then he would take me to court and get custody. Would moving her from one prek program to another reflect badly on me? I would only be doing it so I can get a job and support them. Could he really use it against me in court?


I hope you have a lawyer.

Your husband is a jerk and a bully. You can either let him get away with it, or call his bluff. I know a woman who, whenever, she would respond to something her ex-husband said, would include this sentence: "Your children don't need a father who's an asshole."

No, he can't "use it against you in Court" that you have a job that requires you to put the children into daycare.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How many different ways can you make 50 cents in change without using pennies?

How many different ways can you make 50 cents in change without using pennies?
You can use 5 dimes, 1 half dollar, 2 quarters, 10 nickels, 1 quarter 2 dimes and 1 nickle, 1 quarter 3 nickels and 2 dimes. There are seven ways to make 50 cents without using pennies.

I say there are 11or 12 ways to make change for a half dollar without using pennies.

N = Nickle, D = Dime, Q = Quarter, and H = Half Dollar

1. 10 N
2. 5 D
3. 2 Q
4. 1 H
5. 2N 4D
6. 4N 3D
7. 6N 2D
8. 8N 1D
9. 1Q 1N 2D
10. 1Q 3N 1D
11. 1Q 5N

How can I get a financial separation in NC, without any other type of separation or legal effects on my marriage.I am looking to possibly st...


How can I get a financial separation in NC, without any other type of separation or legal effects on my marriage.

I am looking to possibly start a business. I would like to separate this venture from my husband and his retirement - that we live on. I am hopeful but a realist. I know the statistical success rate of new businesses' are low. My goal is that a financial separation, along with other means such as an LLC, and legal contracts would help protect our family financially, so our business can be successful and we can augment the retirement income.


Creating an LLC will create a legal barrier between you and the LLC.

Any finances earned by the LLC will be those of the LLC. However, any K1s that are issued may be considered filed under your tax return. You may want to speak with a CPA to determine if a S-Corporation election for tax purposes will provide better protection between you and the LLC's income. I suggest that you speak with an attorney and a CPA to adequately protect you.

How entreprenuership improve the quality of life?

How entreprenuership improve the quality of life?
other form livelihood is entreprenuerial activities, for such life standard of standard of living will be change. out of this we can also develop our confidence toward interacting with people.

What is the difference between technical skills and business skills?

What is the difference between technical skills and business skills?
Technical skills are all about how you do something whereas Business skills are more about how you manage everything.

Does homeowners insurance vandalism from tenants?

Does homeowners insurance vandalism from tenants?

What is the ninja dressed in in the Free Realms trailer?

What is the ninja dressed in in the Free Realms trailer?
Looks the ninja is dressed in the typical ninja gear with some runes or kanji written all over it. The outfit is purple-ish and gold pants and a loose fitting shirt.

Who writes good Charlottes' songs?

Who writes good Charlottes' songs?
They write by themself (Benji & Joel)

Hello.I want to open an internet business and offer my service to people in brazil. I live in the united states. I am opening a consulting p...



I want to open an internet business and offer my service to people in brazil. I live in the united states. I am opening a consulting practice. I am not selling products. I will be operating in the united states. I do not have an office in brazil. Do I need to register my business and pay taxes in brazil? Do I need a visa in order to sell to brazil? Thank you.


Your questions about Brazil should be directed to a Brazilian attorney. Regardless, keep in mind that you have to comply with all US business and labor laws and should register a corporate entity and obviously pay the required taxes, even if the source of monies you will earning is from abroad.

I help entrepreneurs, just like you, set up businesses that work with foreign clients. Please ping me offline for help.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

t e l : 2 1 2 -- 3 3 7 -- 9 8 3 7

Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.

IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax-related penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any matters addressed herein.

How do you check gear ratio by spinning tire and counting pinion rotations?

How do you check gear ratio by spinning tire and counting pinion rotations?
Jack up the vehicle on one side. mark the drive shaft with a piece of chalk or tape a piece of string to the drive shaft, at a specific location, say at the point closest to the ground. Also mark the tire as well so that you can determine exactly how many revolutions you turn the wheel. If you don't use the string method, and simply mark the drive shaft, you'll need someone else to count how many rotations the drive shaft makes while you count the number of times the tire is turned.
If you just need a good estimate, turn the wheel exactly 2 times. Write down how many revolutions and partial revolutions the drive shaft turned, i.e. 4.3 or 3.7 or 4.5, etc. This should give you a good enough estimate to determine which gear ratio you have once you consult a dealership as to which possible gear ratios exist for that model vehicle. If you don't want to call a dealership, etc, you can get the EXACT ratio simply by turning the wheel 20 times (instead of 2), and then dividing the drive shaft revolutions by 10.

Why? Because normally one would turn the tire 10 times, and then divide the result by 10, but if the differential is an "open differential", meaning each tire can turn independently of the other, then the internal gears compensate when only one tire turns, and it takes twice as many tire revolutions to get the ratio, hence 20 turns, even though you're dividing the drive shaft revolutions by 10.

For example, let's say you turn the wheel 20 times and the drive shaft turns exactly 43 times. Then you have a 4.3 gear ratio because 43 / 10 is 4.3.

Hope this answered your question, and good luck!

if we own a small motel in cook county illinois, and a customer owes us14,000. in back rent for the room, how can we put a lien on the prope...


if we own a small motel in cook county illinois, and a customer owes us

14,000. in back rent for the room, how can we put a lien on the property he is trying to

sell in order to pay us?

Which court would handle this?


you would need to sue him to obtain a judgment and then you can file a citation to discover assets. Only then can you attach any non-exempt assets as allowed by court. You should contact a local collection attorney to assist you. Good luck.


First of all you need to obtain a judgment in order to be able to place a lien on property. So you have to sue. Any you can not lien something he does not own. You can only lien property that the judgment debtor owns.

How many fluide ounces is 4 pints?

How many fluide ounces is 4 pints?
"A pint's a pound the world around." 1 pint = 16 oz. 4 pints = 64 oz.

Hello,i have a special needs trust for my daughter. i no longer need this so what do i need to do?



i have a special needs trust for my daughter. i no longer need this so what do i need to do?


If it's a part of your living trust and doesn't take effect until after your death, you can amend the trust to remove the special needs provisions. If it is already in existence, you may not be able to revoke, but you can amend estate planning docs that fund it on your death. If funded and irrevocable, there may be a provision which allows the Trustee to make distributions which will invalidate the protected status. You should have an attorney review the documents and advise you how to handle this.

can you transfer a tax ID number from sole proprietor to a corporation


can you transfer a tax ID number from sole proprietor to a corporation


As a Franchise Attorney I can say this. You need to apply for a new tax ID number for each entity. So the corporation must apply for its own tax ID. Consult with a good business or franchise attorney in your area for specific advice.

Mr. Franchise - Kevin B. Murphy, B.S., M.B.A., J.D.

Franchise Foundations, a Professional Corporation

We have been approved for a small business loan. Purchased a sole proprietor successful postal business in Sacramento Ca. Temporarily we wil...


We have been approved for a small business loan. Purchased a sole proprietor successful postal business in Sacramento Ca. Temporarily we will be keeping it as sole proprietor. Seller owns another postal business, exact same type of business and exact same type of name approximately 3 miles away. The other business is for sale as well. Legal advise has informed us seller must change the name of his other business listed for sale as well, regardless of the fact it is also for sale. We are purchasing an asset business and the name is part of the asset we are buying. In addition, we were advised we are paying for the name over and above the book value of the business. Seller and broker who by the way represents both seller/buyer both agree that this is incorrect and seller does not have to legally change his name. We cannot transition from underwriting into escrow until this is resolved and this week it must be resolved or an entire new contract will be required. My question is this:

From a legal standpoint, are they required to change the name of the other business?

Or, is it merely something they should do, but aren't agreeing to? In other words, it is in our best interest to insist they do this?

If not, is it a deal breaker? Our concern is, when we change name (ownership) under the name of the existing business, there will be a conflict since his other business has exact same name. Thank you very much.


There's no way to tell you exactly what your rights and the seller's obligations are without reading your contract. We certainly can't tell you what's in your best interest, since that's more of a business decision than a legal one.

You should discuss your concerns in detail with a lawyer. You must have done so already, since you say you're already getting legal advice. If you want a second opinion you should pay a second attorney, who can advise you after learning the relevant facts. Asking a bunch of lawyers who don't have those facts -- and who offer only general guidance on this site anyway -- is no substitute for an informed legal opinion.

Feel free to contact me directly if you want to discuss your options further.

Good luck.


Most business sale agreements have some provisions regarding competition by the seller. If yours doesn't, you'll have a more difficult case. Nevertheless, I'd say there may be an implied term in a business acquisition contract that the seller won't compete directly with the sold business, especially in this manner. I agree that you should take your documents to an attorney with a specialization in business transactions.

Can I terminate the contract if the contractor never showed up for work upon signing the contract? I signed a contract with a plumber who ag...


Can I terminate the contract if the contractor never showed up for work upon signing the contract? I signed a contract with a plumber who agreed to start working more than a week ago. He never showed up and never returned my phone calls and emails. Is the contract considered being terminated at this point? Should I send him a letter to terminate his service?


You should hire a lawyer to deal with the problem.

I live in hannibal mo and was renting a house I left the electric bill in my name they left without paying it is there anything g I can do s...


I live in hannibal mo and was renting a house I left the electric bill in my name they left without paying it is there anything g I can do since it is in my name?


You can sue the people who used the electricity, and perhaps the landlord, for reimbursement. But, based upon the facts you described, you owe the bill.

Good luck

I just bought a house two weeks ago. A couple of days ago i got an email from my insurance agent that I need to fix part of my roof (some sh...


I just bought a house two weeks ago. A couple of days ago i got an email from my insurance agent that I need to fix part of my roof (some shingles need to be fixed, repalced) thye included pictures that I can clearly see some shingles need repalcement. My home inspector had reported that the roof was OK, free from damage and had normal wear for the age of the roof (9years) but indicated no repairs needed. Can the inspector be held liable of rnot reporting this, because I would have asked seller at the time to make repairs.


You will need to work to find an attorney to take your case. Generally, the agreements with home inspectors limit their liability to a significant extent. In the right case, I think there is room for a good attorney to get beyond the limitations. Here, the facts seem right, but the damages, minor roof repair costs, probably make for a small case. It is not likely that an attorney can take it on without advising you that the costs could be high.

This situation just highlights the importance of getting a qualified referral when choosing a home inspector. Even agents need to be careful not to just refer the same local guy without knowing that they have the background to do a good job. If your agent referred this inspector, let him or her know of your disappointment.

I would also question whether to stay with this insurance company. It would bother me that they placed the insurance, taking your business, only to turn around afterward to tell you that they have issues with the condition of the property. I would consider switching companies, but you may need to address this first as it may be covered in future insurance applications.

I won an appeal with USCIS AOO in Washington, almost a year ago and the USCIS field office in Miami does not answer.So far they hace not con...


I won an appeal with USCIS AOO in Washington, almost a year ago and the USCIS field office in Miami does not answer.

So far they hace not contacted me What should I do ? I have sent several letters to them asking for a response but so far nothing Just Silence.

What should I do ?please help me!!


Hello - please call me at 2129688600

How much does the cheapest DJ cost?

How much does the cheapest DJ cost?
about $250.00

Who is mike portnoy's biggest influence in music?

Who is mike portnoy's biggest influence in music?
Mike Portnoy lists as his greatest influences in his drumming style as Ringo Starr (The Beatles), John Bonham (Led Zepplin), Keith Moon (The Who), and Neil Peart (Rush).

How do you get a car back if you finance the car the other person is a named driver on the car and drives around in it?

How do you get a car back if you finance the car the other person is a named driver on the car and drives around in it?
This could be ugly.
If you are the listed owner on the registration you could:Just go take it as long as you have a keyClaim the car is stolen to the police, but be upfront about the other drivers status and as the owner you are taking the car away and the other person will not return it.
If the other persons name is on the registration then you will have to go through a legal repossession probably involving a lawsuit.

Could you answer which part of a women body cannot touch by any man in his whole life?

Could you answer which part of a women body cannot touch by any man in his whole life?
her mind?

I had a customer file a chargeback with their credit card company because they were "unhappy with the services provided". My credit card com...


I had a customer file a chargeback with their credit card company because they were "unhappy with the services provided". My credit card company and I disputed this chargeback through Mastercard. I provided a signed credit card slip, a copy of the invoice, a hand written note from the customer describing what they wanted, before and after photos, along with a lengthy explanation of what the customer wanted and what I delivered. Mastercard still ruled in favor of the customer. I have 3 questions.

1) I was told by me credit card company that if a customer files a chargeback as unhappy with the services, unless they rescind the claim, Mastercard will rule in their favor. Is this true?

2) I was told by my credit card company that if I file a dispute and Mastercard finds in favor of the customer that I can pursue the matter further. Is this true? And would further pursuit include filing a civil suit?

3) The customer feels that because Mastercard ruled in their favor and issued the chargeback, they are no longer responsible for the debt. Is there a section of law that states a decision by Mastercard does not make a debt invalid? That states it simply is a refusal to pay because the customer is unhappy?


The fact that the cc merchant ruled in favor regards to the chargeback is dispositive that they are legally entitled to their money back. It only means that say MasterCard did not find that there was sufficient reason to rule against the customer. There is no "section of law" it is common sense. MC is not a court but rather a third party intermediary.

If you believe that this resulted in unjust enrichment or that you went unpaid for services rendered you are 100% entitled to file a claim, Here in the NY, the award cap at the small claims court is 5K and non lawyer is required unless you doing so on behalf of a legal entity. Assuming the amount is not in excess of that AND the other party is also located in NY, then I would just file a claim there, which you can do online and for a fee of $20.

If they are out of state, this complicates things because the SCC will not apply to an out of state defendant. You are free to file in the SCC in their state and you should consider that, but it will require a trip unless the filing provokes a settlement.

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

If there is a surviving spouse in an estate and there is a will which divides property between wife and 2 children, what constitutes persona...


If there is a surviving spouse in an estate and there is a will which divides property between wife and 2 children, what constitutes personal property? Aren't household items exempt since it was a joint household and the wife is till living?


EVERYTHING, except the house and land, are personalty. This includes household items which are not physically attached to the house (such as light fixtures). So, the household items are NOT exempt.

How do you get students to show up more?

How do you get students to show up more?
be interesting

I entered into an agreement to sell my California Liqour License. The broker is also the escrow owner and unknown to me, he was the buyer un...


I entered into an agreement to sell my California Liqour License. The broker is also the escrow owner and unknown to me, he was the buyer under a corp. name. # months later it still was not closed. It turns out he reassigned the purchase to a third party. We are now on 5 1/2 months and still not closed. I want to cancel escrow and resell to another buyer. Can I do this??


Zip Code 44160 doesn't seem to exist; if it did, you'd be in Northern Ohio, possibly in the Cleveland area. In any case, advising you would require (a) reading the agreement of sale, and (b) interviewing you in some detail about the buyer, his relationship to you, and your recent communications with him (if any). Hopefully your contract has some time requirements in it, so that you are able to notify the broker that you regard the contract as breached due to his failure timely to perform, and that you are canceling. Otherwise, withdrawing from the contract would risk a lawsuit. The facts you give, although somewhat limited, immediately cause me to be somewhat suspicious of the broker/buyer's business ability and/or honesty. If by "escrow owner" you mean "escrow holder," something is fishy because escrow holders are not supposed to become involved as principals, at least without everyone's prior consent and also withdrawing from the escrow-holding role.

I was rear ended with the other driver going 55 mph. Totaled my 2009 Nissan. I had no broken bones but I was beat and banged up. Treated as ...


I was rear ended with the other driver going 55 mph. Totaled my 2009 Nissan. I had no broken bones but I was beat and banged up. Treated as trauma patient because of the severity of accident scene ( 3 cars involved) Hospital bill was well over $27,000 with $12,000 being CAT scans and radiology. Have severe strained neck and suffered a concussion causing daily headaches. Also the may problem is Hip/low back pain radiating down my leg. Prior spinal fusion 8 yrs ago. With no flair ups in 3 yrs. Been running daily and working out with not pain. Scared I'm going down the same route I went before my surgery. Taking physical therapy 3 days a week for 3 months. Feeling very helpless and not sure if I will even get any pain and suffering because of prior surgery. I have lots of running groups that can vouch for me that I'm a runner and lift weights. The girl that hit me was totally negligent, she said she reach in the floorboard for her sunglasses. How much would be reasonable for pain and suffering. Hospital bill without therapy is $27,000, Dr took me out of work for at least 1 month also. So confused. Need serious advice, laying here on my heating pad in bad pain


These claims are difficult to evaluate, and there are lots of pieces of the puzzle. It is first important for you to complete your treatment, and to reach maximum medical improvement (MMI). Some of the injuries you describe can be very serious, and could require further procedures, and could result in further lost earnings. Dealing with the prior fusion is tricky, but is not necessarily a negative here; it appears that the collision aggravated your underlying condition, and you are entitled to compensation for that. Another piece of the puzzle is determining the insurance coverage available. This includes the other driver's policies, as well as your own policies (e.g. underinsured motorist coverage). Another issue is whether you have health insurance to pay for some of the bills, and whether you have any unpaid bills that you will have to deal with. In view of your injuries and bills, you are probably well-served to consult with an attorney and provide him him or her with more information, and to receive guidance on this claim. I practice in Raleigh and will be happy to speak with you further.


I agree with Mr. Kirby. You need to make sure you follow doctor's orders and recommendations. You should also speak directly with a personal injury attorney who can help you navigate the legal issues, including negotiations. Good luck going forward. Jay Mills

What is is a sp in the pornography industry?

What is is a sp in the pornography industry?
SP stands for Samauri Porn...I'm assuming it is like Hentai (Japanese Cartoon Porn)

What year is Anders' Volvo in the TV series 'workaholics'?

What year is Anders' Volvo in the TV series 'workaholics'?
1985 Volvo!

Does any one know any infrormation for an old company called DW Price who sold Austin cars in Neasden NW10 in 1931?

Does any one know any infrormation for an old company called DW Price who sold Austin cars in Neasden NW10 in 1931?
Can't provied an answer, I can confirm that I own an Austin 7Tickford that was purchased in 1931 or 1932 from D.W. Price ofNeason. The original garage tiny plate is on the windscreen frame.Before the car was first registered in the Isle of Mann in 1935 itwas taken to Newtown Pagnall to be fitted with a Tickford Coachroof by Samson and Sons,

No great help in answering your question though.

If a year long rental agreement is not signed by the landlord, is it binding?


If a year long rental agreement is not signed by the landlord, is it binding?


It can be depending on all the facts surrounding the entry into the lease agreement and the reason it is not signed.

Monday, January 26, 2015

If there is a living trust that only had a run down 1973 mobile home as the asset, and I had to use my own money to complete renovate it to ...


If there is a living trust that only had a run down 1973 mobile home as the asset, and I had to use my own money to complete renovate it to see it under market, is a 2.5% administrative fees within reason as the executor of the trust?


You can be reimbursed from the proceeds for the funds you advanced. 2.5% seems high, but if the estate is small and you spent a lot of time, it might not be unreasonable. In some counties, if you go (or are taken) to court for approval of a trustee fee, it has to be hourly rather than a percentage.


What it really comes down to is whether or not the fee is so high that the beneficiaries are mad enough to hire lawyers to fight the amount of the fee. Also, remember that you have to pay income tax on trustee fees that you earn.

family member attempted suicide. Being held at local hospital in Duluth, GA. Spouse has not been able to get any information on what options...


family member attempted suicide. Being held at local hospital in Duluth, GA. Spouse has not been able to get any information on what options she has or next step in process. Should spouse contact a lawyer and if so, what type?


Yes, she needs to hire counsel IMMEDIATELY

Counsel will be able to determine if initial 72-hour commitment process correctly done, if and when any hearings were involved in any commitment processes, if there were any due process violations, if her husband's long-term commitment has already started, if any court of competent jurisdiction ordered same, etc., etc

Good luck

Ralph (770.985.6773 -- answered 24 x 7)

i want to know if the mother of my kids have to meet me half way when transporting our kids for visation


i want to know if the mother of my kids have to meet me half way when transporting our kids for visation


This is an issue that will be ruled upon by the judge. There is no clear cut answer.

In CA traffic court trials, if the defendent loses at trial after the cop shows up, can a judge INCREASE your fine above the pretrial cost t...


In CA traffic court trials, if the defendent loses at trial after the cop shows up, can a judge INCREASE your fine above the pretrial cost to you (if you had just paid the ticket without a trial?) My ticket is just a registration matter with no points, so I am inclined to fight it just in principle. Right now it is only $25 ($194 after pen assess.), the standard rate for my infraction.



A family member purchased a piece of real estate without a proper title search. An old mortage has surfaced and foreclosure is threatened. W...


A family member purchased a piece of real estate without a proper title search. An old mortage has surfaced and foreclosure is threatened. What can be done to the previous owner for selling mortgaged property? Can the company hold the pruchaser liable for the mortgage?


The purchaser can sue the seller, and make a claim on the Title insurance they did get. (It's the title company's duty to find all recorded mortgages or deed in trust) The person holding the mortgage can foreclose and sue the borrower for any shortfall between what the house sells for on the courthouse steps, and what is owed.

Good luck

What is the best website for boys to go on?

What is the best website for boys to go on?,,,

What is the name of the ebony porn star with a gap in her teeth and a tattoo on her bottom?

What is the name of the ebony porn star with a gap in her teeth and a tattoo on her bottom?

How do you make a ninja 250 have a faster top speed?

How do you make a ninja 250 have a faster top speed?
Ride it downhill

I have an outstanding debt ($3000) with a credit card company. I no longer reside in the country. The credit card company, through an attorn...


I have an outstanding debt ($3000) with a credit card company. I no longer reside in the country. The credit card company, through an attorney, was able to obtain an Abstract of Judgment against a home owned by my brother-in-law. At the time I incurred this debt, I was not married. Thus, the person was not related to me in any way. In any event, he had absolutely nothing to do with my account with the CC company. Unfortunately, he received notice from the county recorder in California naming me as the debtor, but a lien has been placed against his house. What are the correct steps for my brother-in-law to take to remove this false lien against his house? Can he simply file a formal dispute letters demanding a release of lien? I cannot afford an attorney. At this moment, we do not know if this judgment has been reflected on his credit report. Obviously, this a major concern. Thanks for your advice.


When judgment creditor records Abstract of Judgment, it goes against all property in the name of the judgment debtor. The only way there would be a lien against your brother-in-law's home would be if he was also sued and named in the judgment. The fact that he received a copy just means that it was sent to your last known address. It does not create a lien on the house where the copy of the lien was received.


If there is an abstract of judgment, then is a judgment where somone was sued. If only you were named the only way a lien could be on the property is if your name is somehow on the title. Or as MR Starrett stated your brother was named. You need to contact the creditor and figure this out. Unfortunately you may need to get attorney.

I own a house and I have rented it, I need the house now from the renter, My family in geting larger and i need to move my son and daughter ...


I own a house and I have rented it, I need the house now from the renter, My family in geting larger and i need to move my son and daughter into the house. can it be done?


The easy answer to your question is yes, it can be done. How it is properly done will depend on the details of the situation. A notice will have to be served on the tenant and if they do notvoluntarily vacate at that point a summary proceeding for the tenant's eviction will need to be filed in the Housing Court. As New York State law is very specific as to the exact wording required in these Notices and the manner in which they must be served upon the tenant, it is highly advisable to retain the services of an attorney experienced in these areas. A small mistake can set you back months in the process. We have substantial experience handling these types of cases, however, we would need some more information before making a complete and proper determination. You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation.


401 Greenwich Street

New York, New York 10013


[email protected]/* */

The information provided by Czik Law PLLC (CLP) is for general educational purposes only. There is no attorney-client relationship established by this communication and no privilege attaches to such communication. CLP is not taking and will not take any action on your behalf and will not be considered your attorney until both you and CLP have signed a written retainer agreement. There are strict deadlines, called statutes of limitation, within which claims or lawsuits must be filed. Therefore, if you desire the services of an attorney and decide not to retain CLP on terms acceptable to CLP, you are advised to immediately seek the services of another attorney.

housing authority terminated me from the program for no reason and I need my voucher back can I get any assistance for that


housing authority terminated me from the program for no reason and I need my voucher back can I get any assistance for that


You have a right to request a hearing. Do it. Do not delay.

What is xxxxbbbb3333eee?

What is xxxxbbbb3333eee?
a word You made up

Describe the traits of a good communicator?

Describe the traits of a good communicator?
Good communicators listen to other people the same way they want others to listen to them.

I am married to an active Duty Air Force serviceman. He filed and I have responded. My court date is March 5th. He has not paid any alimony ...


I am married to an active Duty Air Force serviceman. He filed and I have responded. My court date is March 5th. He has not paid any alimony or child support for the 3 months we have been separated. Can you please tell me what happens, what should I expect and do by and on March 5th.


What is your court date set for? I assume in your responding papers you asked for support. If you did then the court will review his income, the number of children you have together and how much time each party has with the children. The court ill than run the numbers on a computer program called dissomaster and come up with a number for child support. The issue of spousal support in based on a list of things the court must consider from the Family Code in order to award a spousal support amount and for what period of time, depending on the length of the marriage. If you can retain an attorney, it would be in your best interest. The attorney can request to continue the hearing which would give you time to prepare properly.

What is the cost of shipping a car from the US to the UK?

What is the cost of shipping a car from the US to the UK?
Based on type of your car, it can be more expensive if you shipping a hummer. Very best idea to get estimation of shipping cost is to contact a car shipping companies, usually they have free car shipping quote on their website so you can entry your car details and destination there and get estimation quote send to your personal email.

Hello. I was approached by someone asking me to change my ministry's name because it is similar to hers. Actually they are different, her mi...


Hello. I was approached by someone asking me to change my ministry's name because it is similar to hers. Actually they are different, her ministry operates out of WA, mine out of NJ. I had no knowledge of the existence of hers when my ministry was birthed. Hers and mine are two different causes too. Hers was incorporated in 1988. Mine is under the umbrella of my ministry which I incorporated in 1997. Mine is Healing Heart Ministry (a ministry of Christ Kingdom Ministries, Inc). Hers is Healing Hearts Ministries International, Inc. Both are non-profit orgs. What are my legal rights? Thank you.


This is a trademark issue at the end of the day. I would have more questions than answers, but if she has a federal registration that predates your use of the mark in your geographic market area, then it is possible that she can exercise her rights over yours. But if, for example, she has no federal registration and had no presence in your market area before you began using the name, then your common law right to the name defeats her right at least as it pertains to NJ.

I would discuss the details with a lawyer in private before saying anything further or taking any action.

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.


I second what my colleague noted. In addition, even if she has Federal trademark registration but your use of the mark predates her use, then, generally speaking, you could continue with the use of the mark in the same manner.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

t e l : 2 1 2 -- 3 3 7 -- 9 8 3 7

Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.

What are the release dates for Laughing Matters--- Next Gen - 2009 V?

What are the release dates for Laughing Matters--- Next Gen - 2009 V?
Laughing Matters--- Next Gen - 2009 V was released on:

USA: 14 April 2009

What is internal liability of business?

What is internal liability of business?
The total amount of debts payable by a business to its owners are called internal liabilities e.g., capital.

Example-For a company Internal liability mean that company will pay salary, so salary is internal liability, and the company will pay interest to bank it is external liability.

I had my daughter about 6 months ago and i had an epidural. it stopped working after like an hour, when everything was done and the nurse to...


I had my daughter about 6 months ago and i had an epidural. it stopped working after like an hour, when everything was done and the nurse took it out she said it wasn't in the right spot and it was only half way in my spine. now 6 months later i have EXTREMELY bad back pain in the spot where the epidural was and no massage ever even touches the pain. it hurts to bend down, pick things up, and when i move the wrong way or touch my spine it feels like a knife cutting through and puts me to the ground. when i lean forward my husband says he feels a abnormal indentation in my spine (exactly where the epidural was placed) I have an appointment with a chiropractor in a few weeks. is this something i can sue the hospital for if the hospital did in fact mess it up?


Prior to suing the hospital, you have to figure out what is wrong. I would suggest you need to see an anesthesiologist or pain management physician, who routinely administers epidurals to determine if the problem is related or not. If related, you need to ask him if it is because of something which was done incorrectly at the time of the delivery. The chiropractor cannot make these determinations although they certainly may help the pain. You may want to consult with a medical malpractice attorney so you can make sure exactly what information will be needed to assess if there is a claim.

Should I return to work after being falsely accused of shoplifting a pair of gloves?or should I consult a lawyer first


Should I return to work after being falsely accused of shoplifting a pair of gloves?

or should I consult a lawyer first


Only you can decide whether you still want to remain employed there or not. However, do not discuss your pending shoplifting charge with anyone except an Attorney. If you were falsely accused you will want to fight the charge at trial.

What car name has 5 letters?

What car name has 5 letters?
Buick (brand)And Dodge too.

my landlord just increased my rent by P on a month to month lease without written notice, just verbal notice, and about 2 weeks or less befo...


my landlord just increased my rent by P on a month to month lease without written notice, just verbal notice, and about 2 weeks or less before the increase was to take effect. I went ahead and paid the increased rent as I was concerned about being given a notice to vacate if I didn't comply. I have rented for over a year.


You were entitled to 60-days notice. There is no requirement that it be in writing, however.

RE: (Tortious) Interference With Business/Contractual Relationship cause of action ("INTERFERENCE") ..... I read the elements for INTERFEREN...


RE: (Tortious) Interference With Business/Contractual Relationship cause of action ("INTERFERENCE") ..... I read the elements for INTERFERENCE, and Plaintiff can sue the Defendant for INTERFERENCE, as long as all the elements are met, but my question is,,,, What about the 3rd party (the company that had contract with Plaintiff, which was later breached) that was influenced (Bribed), to commit the breach, at the instigation of the defendant?... Does Plaintiff have legal/legitimate grounds to sue the 3rd party for accepting bribe from defendant? Does Plaintiff sue that 3rd party (Plaintiff's former business partner) for 1.) Interference of Business Relationship AND Conspiracy to commit Interference? ,,,because the Interference allegations would be against the defendant, and the conspiracy allegation would be against the 3rd party, all in the same cause of action (because conspiracy is not a stand alone cause of action). Or can that 3rd party be sued for Fraud and/or Breach of Contract in a separate cause of action (in same complaint, or separate complaint).


Question reject... already answered. If you are going to push this question and this case (which appears to be frivolous), give some more facts and explain how the bribe was illegal! Like, did the person making the payment ("bribe") owe you a duty to not buy out your contract with the other party? Because its perfectly legal to purchase someone's breach of contract absent some other duty or obligation. Example: you engage a contractor to fix your house and I come along later and pay the contractor more to do my house and breach with you -- perfectly legal... Or I can just pay them to not service you and breach with you and not even require them to fix my house... perfectly legal... is this an illegal bribe/actionable interference in your mind? A conspiracy theory against the breaching party for interference seems impossible even if there was a fiduciary duty owed by the bribing party anyway... unless there was some criminal aspect to it... this line of thought seems faulty and as I stated in the response you have deleted... I think this case (unless you can show some clear illegality to the bribe/inducement) is a good candidate for SLAPP and/or malicious prosecution by you due to a lack of probable cause to file... If I'm wrong and you have real foundation for an interference claim... go ahead and provide real facts there supporting it and I'll give you some good advice... I always try to... but here you seem upset about things that likely are not actionable..

Hi, I m an indian citizen wants to marry an US citizen who is an indian is settled in US.Can he apply for visa before marriage get along...



I m an indian citizen wants to marry an US citizen who is an indian & is settled in US.Can he apply for visa before marriage & get along with him to india at the time of marriage & take me along with him. Or can we do our nikaah over phone & then he can apply for visa there & come to india & register our marriage & take me along with him? What are the possibilities of Visa to an US citizen getting married in India.


I suggest the K-1 Fiance Visa. This would allow you to come to the U.S. for the purpose of marrying. We could then file for your permanent residence once you are here.

You may read more about the K-1 visa here:

Vincent Martin

[email protected]/* */

What is the percentage of criminal cases overturned when a certificate of Appealability is issued


What is the percentage of criminal cases overturned when a certificate of Appealability is issued


You have asked a question unique to federal litigation.

I would think that the answer varies on the District and the Circuit Court of Appeals.

For Middle Tennessee (Nashville) and its appellate court (the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, in Ohio), the numbers can probably be received from the respective clerks of the court.


what do you mean by "overturned"?

Do you mean:

The conviction totally reversed and the defendant discharged?

A death sentence reversed and a life sentence imposed instead?

A new trial ordered?

A conviction entered for a lesser offense?

A sentence reduced?

Does a cigarette lighter work on a fuse?

Does a cigarette lighter work on a fuse?
no it doesn't

The circuit is protected by a fuse.

My husband died a week ago. We have next to nothing in assets. Do I still need to have his will probated?


My husband died a week ago. We have next to nothing in assets. Do I still need to have his will probated?


You only need to probate his will if there are assets that have a title that needs to be transferred. If he left property as joint tenant with a spouse, you only need an affidavit and a death certificate.

im going to paternity court on the 8th but my daughters mom is going on the 8th too she got a court date then but she never served me papers...


im going to paternity court on the 8th but my daughters mom is going on the 8th too she got a court date then but she never served me papers and i got a copy of the papers she filed and on the front of the papers it said father was never served which was me can she postpone the date now that i know and she cant serve me papers because i have to have a 30 day notice right so im planning to show up to court on the 8th and tell them i was never served which will say on the copies of the paperwork that got filed by her . how many days does she need to notice the court about postponing it ? or can she just drop the case and open a new how does this work ?


The court can reset the hearing for paternity determination. If you contest paternity a dna test will be performed and you will be responsible for at least 1/2 of the cost. Is the mom receiving welfare payments for the child? When welfare is received for a child, the county paying the welfare payments will file a paternity action and then collect all the welfare payments made. this will require you to pay all or a smaller amount depending on your ability to pay.

Mom can dismiss the paternity case, but there is no reason to believe that she will. Court ordered child support may well increase the cash available to her for living expenses.

Your approach will only delay the court determining whether you are the father.

How do you notify authorities about someone who has taped a telephone conversation without the knowledge of both parties in Florida? Then po...


How do you notify authorities about someone who has taped a telephone conversation without the knowledge of both parties in Florida? Then posted it on YouTube which is a company in California?


Call the police or get a civil attorney.

I bought a 30ft camper trailer through the owner - by owner finance -I kept up my end of deal and have paid off camper - he has given me a b...


I bought a 30ft camper trailer through the owner - by owner finance -I kept up my end of deal and have paid off camper - he has given me a bill of sale that states paid in full and I have record of all my payments. He brought the camper to my residence and gave me the bill of sale. I have been waiting patiently for 5 months now - apparently he did not use the money I gave him to pay off the camper therefore he does not have the title for the camper to give to me - what can I do?


In this case, you have two options; pay off the loan, or undo the sale. The firs is somewhat straight forward (except that you're dependent upon the seller to sign it over) as the second option might require that you sue the seller.

Good luck

My 4 sisters and I own moms house...she died a year ago...its for sale ...will leins or garnishment take my share of the sale...the sale is ...


My 4 sisters and I own moms house...she died a year ago...its for sale ...will leins or garnishment take my share of the sale...the sale is in MS...I live in GA..just moved from AR last year....we only live on SS


You do not indicate what liens or garnishment there would be and why a lienor would take "your" share of the proceeds. I do not know exactly why you are addressing this to GA attorneys. I presume the estate is in MS if that is where the property is. In such case, you should probably direct your question to a probate attorney located in MS.

Social Security cannot be garnished. But you cannot commingle an inheritance with Social Security money. You need to keep those funds separate. Lienors/creditors cannot garnish Social Security in most cases.

Again, you do not indicate who is the lienor. Is the property mortgaged? If so, the the mortgage has to be satisfied. If there is a judgment against you,the creditor would have to find out that you are owed money from the estate before they could garnish it. Is that likely to happen? Not unless you or someone close to you tells them.

You need to either direct your questions to the proper attorneys or re-post your question with more relevant details.

How can the employees increase in productivity?

How can the employees increase in productivity?
The most common one used by employers is job rotation and in some businesses there are bonuses given to the best employee.

Can i take my HOA to small claims court in NJ to challenge my maintenance fees because they refuse to have an accountabt look at books?


Can i take my HOA to small claims court in NJ to challenge my maintenance fees because they refuse to have an accountabt look at books?


No. Small Claims Court is for money damages less than $3k. You are asking for specific performance of a contract which you can bring in the Civil Part of Superior Court. You will have to show that the HOA bylaws require the audit or that they permit an audit at member expense which has been refused..

See also:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

I am the personal representative for my late husband's estate in Florida. There was no estate until a settlement came in this month for a la...


I am the personal representative for my late husband's estate in Florida. There was no estate until a settlement came in this month for a lawsuit in his name against a pharmaceutical company for damages caused by a drug. BUT - there is a claim that came in for about $6,000 from a credit card debt he was delinquent on. I was going to pay it, but my lawyer said that the type of lawsuit money we're receiving is exempt from this cc claim. The credit company cannot come after money from a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company because of injury (and failure to disclose side effects). Is this true? Thank you


The sums paid for the descendants and yourself for personal injury damages is not subject to the claims of creditors. Without knowing what funds received it is impossible to actual answer this question. Any funds paid for lost wages or net accumulations would got to the Estate and be subject to the credit card debt.

I have Huntington disease on in 4/2011 I had an auto accident she sued me not AAAour insurance covers $200K she wants 400Kwe own 3 propertie...


I have Huntington disease on

in 4/2011 I had an auto accident

she sued me not AAA

our insurance covers $200K she wants 400K

we own 3 properties will a living make we properties are covered?


Not sure if this is what you are asking, but holding title to your property in a living trust will not provide creditor protection.


First of all, you are the proper named defendant in a lawsuit. Your insurance should defend you, but as you can see from this situation the plaintiff can sue for more than your coverage.

Second, did you own umbrella insurance coverage that might cover amounts over $200k

Third, people often demand large amounts when the real value of the case is much less. For example, here they have demanded $400k, but a jury might not award them anything close to that amount.

Finally, transferring assets into a living trust does not protect them from creditors. Any other transfers made after knowing there is a claim against you could be deemed fraudulent transfers, so do not take any drastic measures without hiring an attorney to give you legal advice.

What are the release dates for Suburban Secrets - 2007 Half Baked 1-14?

What are the release dates for Suburban Secrets - 2007 Half Baked 1-14?
Suburban Secrets - 2007 Half Baked 1-14 was released on:

USA: 23 April 2007

Can cps keep going to a school and questioning a 4 year old child who is in special education class


Can cps keep going to a school and questioning a 4 year old child who is in special education class


CPS can conduct whatever investigation it sees fit to investigate any allegations that come to their attention. There is no limit on the number of times they can do so.

What is vehicles online?

What is vehicles online?
a site where you can browse different kind of cars and the purchase them online with a credit car

What is the legal age to move out in New York state?


What is the legal age to move out in New York state?


In the eyes of the law in New York State, you become an adult when you turn 18 years of age. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, you are free to make decisions as an adult at 18, which would include moving out. In rare case, a minor may petition a court for emancipation prior to turning 18. The minor (usually by their attorney or a relative/prospective guardian) must prove that there is a valid reason for the court to decide in their favor.

How do I become my parents power of healthcare


How do I become my parents power of healthcare


There is a form - health care power of attorney. Your parents have to complete it and sign it. Blank forms may be available at your health care provider. Free forms may also be found on the web. However many attorneys charge a nominal fee $50 - $75 to complete such a form. It is best to use an attorney to make sure it is completed correctly. especially since a new law went into effect January 1.

What natwest branch has sort code 60 16 22?

What natwest branch has sort code 60 16 22?
It's their penzance branch..31 Alverton StreetPenzanceCornwallTR18 2QQ

My husband and I are currently going through a divorce. I work full time at 9 dollars an hour and receive assistance from the government via...


My husband and I are currently going through a divorce. I work full time at 9 dollars an hour and receive assistance from the government via 245 dollars a month. My husband is refusing to pay any sort of child support even though I have had full custody of our daughter for 5 months. Is there anything I can do to make him pay me? I rely on the child support as I don't make enough each month to support my daughter and myself and have had to heavily rely on my parents for help.


Make a motion to establish or enforce child support. It should already be part of the case. Ask your attorney, why it isn't.

Good luck

Are all foods edible?

Are all foods edible?
no not all foods are edible. like wild things. if you poisonous berries of if you where to eat something that you were allergic to then yes. but if you weren't allergic to anything food would still be inedible. Does that answer your question? DOES IT? Just kidding. ha ha. u thought i was mad at you! i know what u guys are thinking "No I'm not mad. Man that person is crazy!!!" but I'm not (I'm in denial).

I separated from husband due to physical abuse and my stepson who has caused the breakdown of our marriage. Husband had stepson 50-50 but su...


I separated from husband due to physical abuse and my stepson who has caused the breakdown of our marriage. Husband had stepson 50-50 but sue to his work schedule it is every other weekend now as his custody. We have a baby together and have not yet agreed on custody while divorce is pending.

I am not comfortable withy baby being around stepson since he has caused so much turmoil in our marriage. He caused my husband and I to fight so many times leading to domestic violence. He is only 9 years old but lies, bullied my child and creates disturbing allegations to get attention since he barely sees his dad. His mother (ex-wife) has a sloppy schedule and and has disrupted our weekend so many times with changing weekends. When I mediate for child custody for our baby, will the court allow to keep my baby's custody or visitation separate from stepsons? I am really worried and annoyed leaving my baby with husband when stepson is there.


If this nine-year-old has inflicted physical or psychological injuries on your child, you're justified in getting restraining orders to prevent the 9 year old child from being around your child. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

My friend was arrested in 10/08 for DUI, he had a court date in 01/09 which was postponed. To date he has not received anything further from...


My friend was arrested in 10/08 for DUI, he had a court date in 01/09 which was postponed. To date he has not received anything further from the courts on this case. Is there a statue of limitations in the state of NJ regarding this? He still has his drivers license but it has expired. Will it be renewable?


Your friend should get off his hands and call the court. There may be a warrant for his arrest for failure to appear in court because he did not receive the court notice. The statute of limitations

sets the time within which A COMPLAINT MUST FILED. Once a complaint is filed in a timely manner the statute of limitation does not apply.

Call me if youi like, tomorrow.


With all due respect, I disagree with Mr. Moore. I have seen DUI prosecutions "lost", which gives your friend time to show good judgment and behavior. IF help is needed, he should GET HELP, for himself, for those who love him, and to protect others. Try to renew the DL. If he can't, THEN get an attorney.


He should try for the renewal. If there's a problem with the renewal, that likely means he might also have a warrant. It's possible for a case to go away, but sometimes people say they didn't get a new court date and they did, or mail went to the wrong place...


Your friend needs to call an attorney immediately and get this resolved. Perhaps the delay of time will help him. But he does not want to be surprised by an arrest when he least expects it.

Keep in mind that this advice is given based on the little bit of information that you have provided in your question. My advice may change based on other information. Further, no one can rely on advice from an attorney who has not been retained. You cannot rely on this advice because we have not personally met and you have not retained me as an attorney. If you have not already done so, you should immediately meet with a Family Law attorney for a full consultation before you take any further steps. You may feel free to call me at 856-546-8010 to discuss this matter in more detail. If you do so, mention Law Guru and your first one hour of time will be free. Good luck! Rob Gleaner


The statute of limitations does not apply in this case since the charge was already filed. However, if it turns out that the court just never scheduled a court date for no good reason, then your attroney can file a motion to dismiss the case for failure to provide a speedy trial. If the reason that there has been no court date is because your friend missed a court date then he cannot renew his license until he gets his DUI case heard. If this is not the reason, then he can get his license renewed. Please call me to discuss this case in more detail. I never charge for simply talking to a person about their case. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.- 908-272-0111

I live in California and this pertains to credit card debt. Due to heart attack and related charges I couldn't pay my credit cards. I really...


I live in California and this pertains to credit card debt. Due to heart attack and related charges I couldn't pay my credit cards. I really thought I could turn things around but could not and and drained all my savings. I am trying hard to get back on my feet financially ASAP but realistically it could take 6 mos to a year.

I had excellent credit before over 30 years never even a late payment but I realize that good credit is long gone now. My concern now is how can I avoid any future lawsuits. I have enough stress already.

I have been reading up on my options. Is there any alternative to declaring bankruptcy to avoid getting sued over my credit card debt? Thank you.


You have three options. 1. Start paying on the credit cards again with one large payment to get "caught up". This is not very realistic given your current financial condition. 2. Negotiate a payment plan and/or pay-off with the credit cards. This only works if you have sufficient cash to pay-off the debt in one lump sum, which, again, does not sound realistic. 3. File for bankruptcy relief. This is the most realistic option and will provide you with complete relief and assurance that you would not be sued in the future. A side benefit is that your stress level will go down and you feel much better and be able to "get back on your feet" much quicker.

When a person wins a civil lawsuit how are they paid if the defendent cannot pay right away?


When a person wins a civil lawsuit how are they paid if the defendent cannot pay right away?


Usually the person who is successful in the lawsuit will have a judgment prepared against the losing party and have it docketed in the County where the case was venued. The successful party has the ability to pursue supplemental proceedings which can include the person who owes the money appearing before a court commissioner with information as to his/her assets and employment information, which can then be used to pursue garnishment and/or attachment of assets in order to obtain money to satisfy the debt and judgment. It is best if some type of payment arrangements can be agreed to between the parties, however, if that is not successful, then the garnishment and attachment is the other alternative. In some instances, the responsible party may be able to file for bankruptcy, which can cause the entire debt to be discharged in the bankruptcy proceedings.

Which state is the most popular?

Which state is the most popular?
Hawaii is the most popular state

I had put my 2 weeks in at work. I had emailed some of my vendors and told them I was leaving when they asked me why I told them I was holle...


I had put my 2 weeks in at work. I had emailed some of my vendors and told them I was leaving when they asked me why I told them I was hollered at all the time and micro managed I could not take it anymore. I had one vendor tell me it was not the first time he had heard this. I had emailed the lady at the hiring agency I was not going back my second week it was more then they deserved. I have plenty of witnesses to the abuse I put up with over the last year. It was why the last person quit. I was called to hr they told me they were going to go after me for the emails if I jeopardized the censorship it did not. I had examples of what was said to me and told him I have a year's worth. I have plenty of witnesses. Can they sue me. I never said anything bad about the company. hr raised his voice with me there was no one else in the room.


It kind of sounds like "he said, she said" until you get to the problem with the emails. You have no legitimate expectation of privacy in emails sent over an employer network.

They can sue you-anyone can sue anyone if they have the filing fee, but making it stick is another and different story. You haven't told me whether there was a confidentiality or no-compete agreement.

Also you haven't told me what you could gain by violating any such confidentiality agreement or understanding. However yo u certainly can't go around dissing your employer and not have it come back at you.

Due to a family squabble my mother was evicted from her home of 22 years that her sister -in-law was letting the family live in. Her sister-...


Due to a family squabble my mother was evicted from her home of 22 years that her sister -in-law was letting the family live in. Her sister-in-law is threatening to sue for neglect of the property. The " neglect" is basic wear-n-tear on a house of 22years that the tenant (my mother) had no money to fix up. Does the sister-in-law have a case? If so what can we expect??


From what you describe, your mother is a month to month tenant. This means that the sister in law can give proper thirty day notice, and if your mother does not leave the property by the end of the next rental period, the sister in law could file an eviction action with the court. Simply put, your mother does not need to leave until a judge tells her so. However, there is nothing in what you describe that would indicate to me that your mother is entitled to live in the property for life. So if sister in law wants her out, her eviction likely is an inevitability. It would be a good idea for you to have her talk to a landlord tenant attorney.

I hired an attorney in 2010 to represent me through a divorce. After a couple of months it was discovered she represented my soon to be ex h...


I hired an attorney in 2010 to represent me through a divorce. After a couple of months it was discovered she represented my soon to be ex husband in his first marriage. She resigned from my case due to a conflict with the judge. This year I have been told this attorney should have never taken my case due to a conflict of interest. Do I have a right to file a grievance against her with this information I have been told, seeking my retainers fees.


You will need to retain a qualified attorney who can research the statute of limitations for you and assist you in researching to see if you have the basis to win a complaint - as the statute of limitations may have run and there may not have been a conflict, for instance: if it was a new matter and/or she had no facts or knowledge as to your marriage.

You can also call the State Bar and speak to a complaint attorney or agent.

Ask them for the statute of limitations on filing a complaint. They will also direct you to the instructions on filing a complaint.

Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified litigation attorneys, divorce lawyers and child custody attorneys available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at and for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

What does scrip mean?

What does scrip mean?
It is usually a form of credit.

My stepfather passed away last year. There was no will and there are no assets. There is a house but it is essentially worthless (in extreme...


My stepfather passed away last year. There was no will and there are no assets. There is a house but it is essentially worthless (in extreme disrepair and has a tax lien for more than the property is worth). He had two daughters, myself, and another stepson. We are paying the funeral bill and just want to make sure we have no obligation to do anything else. None of us are interested in the property.


You have no obligation to do anything. Nor does the "step son" unless either of you were either adopted or the biological child of this man.

If the man had two biological daughters, then one of them needs to probate an estate if there are probate assets. You say there are no assets but there is land. Land is an asset. However, if the land is truly in bad shape, there is no money, no car and just debts, then the daughters should write a letter to any of the creditors of their father explaining that their father had an account, that they are not liable, that there are no assets justifying probate and that the creditor should write off any bad debt.

Regarding the land, they probably want to talk to the municipality about this. If the property is in really bad shape, it can be condemned but if the municipality has to demolish the house then they are going to stick the daughters with the cost. Also, if there is a tax lien, why was the property not sold at tax sale?

They really need to consult a probate attorney who practices in the county where your stepfather lived prior to his death to see what they advise.

How many months do you have to have your permit before you can get your license?

How many months do you have to have your permit before you can get your license?
It depends what state you live in. Most states make it 6 months, however.

Does performance-linked compensationencourage excutives to focus on short-term performance at the expense of long-term growth?

Does performance-linked compensationencourage excutives to focus on short-term performance at the expense of long-term growth?
Frequently it does. It does not have to, however. As an example, if the reward is provided in the form of non-sellable corporate stock then the executives have a long-term incentive.

What are the Causes of monoply?

What are the Causes of monoply?
A monopoly exists when a firm has total control over a particularproduct or service. Its causes include, government policy orregulations, integration (when to business merge), ownership ofpatents large, high sunk costs/start-up capital, and predatoryactions by a company to exclude others. In addition, a governmentcan give legal monopoly power to some business throughnationalization or government awarded franchises and licenses.

Formula of marginal product?

Formula of marginal product?

What is role of finance department in the development of Business?

What is role of finance department in the development of Business?
Management challenges to identify the requirements for the system.
-Select the right software vendor for developing the system.
-Communicate the benefits to the information systems users so they can adopt the change and support company strategy.
-Justify information system investment.
-Objectives for developing the system.

I want to keep my personal credit separate from the business I'm starting and I need to figure out which would be better for me an LLC or IN...


I want to keep my personal credit separate from the business I'm starting and I need to figure out which would be better for me an LLC or INC?


Either a Corporation (Inc.) or an LLC will help separate your personal credit from the business. For the LLC you would want to make sure to use a separate EIN number. You might also consider having your attorney or a service sign the incorporation papers and act as statutory agent, or your personal history will be connected to the entity's.

As to which entity is best, there are other cost, liability and tax considerations that would determine which entity is best, although my feeling is the LLC is usually the better choice.

My grandfather appointed me and my wife as his powers of attorney. We wrote checks signing his name, made ATM withdrawals, and he allowed us...


My grandfather appointed me and my wife as his powers of attorney. We wrote checks signing his name, made ATM withdrawals, and he allowed us to have some money too in the form of cash. Since he is 97, his memory is not very good and forgot a lot of the things that we did. His bank called him and asked him to come in. They told him that they believed there was fraud being conducted. On their advice, he went to the police and filed a police report saying that the checks and ATM withdrawals were not authorized. The police have begun questioning me and my wife. When I talked to my grandfather, he said that he was confused about what the bank said and that he knows and approved what we did, even signing his name for him as he told us to do several times. Now he wants to have the police stop investigating the matter and he wants it dropped. If he tells the police this and tells them that everything that occured was with his consent, will they have to drop it as he requests?


Once law enforcement is involved, a person cannot stop their investigation. You should most definitely seek the advice of a highly qualified criminal defense attorney in or near your area. Thye should offer a FREE consultation. I wish you well. David Wallin

Difference between accounting profit and economist's profit?

Difference between accounting profit and economist's profit?
an accounting profit only measures explicit costs while the economic profit includes both explicit and implicit costs.

What do you mean by group dissusion?

What do you mean by group dissusion?
Multiple members of the group contribute their opinions and ideas to the topic of discussion.

What is the word that describes a nervous insect?

What is the word that describes a nervous insect?
A tick

Whats the first thing you should do when you lose a credit card?

Whats the first thing you should do when you lose a credit card?
1. Contact the credit card company immediately. tell them of the possible theft so that they may begin to monitor the account.

What is the maximum amount I can charge to store an rv on my business property?


What is the maximum amount I can charge to store an rv on my business property?


Well, it is your decision to make. Anything, unless I need more information from you about the situation. Let me know if there is another variable that would tarnish your ability to partake in capitalism. For instance, gouging for racial reasons or something like gouging against minorities or something.

I work in IL and my employer has me working 12 consecutive days without a day off. I work for a medical facility and work 5-8 hour days. I a...


I work in IL and my employer has me working 12 consecutive days without a day off. I work for a medical facility and work 5-8 hour days. I am an hourly paid employee. Thank you, Catherine


From the Illinois Department of Labor website:

Can my employer require me to work seven days in a row?

The One Day Rest in Seven Act, as its name implies, allows for at least 24 hours of rest in every calendar week. A calendar week is defined as seven consecutive 24 hour periods starting at 12:01 a.m. Sunday morning and ending at midnight the following Saturday. Under this Act, employers may ask IDOL for a relaxation of this requirement. If IDOL grants a relaxation, it requires a statement from the employer demonstrating that all employees who will be working seven days in a row are in fact volunteers. For more information, click here. 820 ILCS 140/2 and 8 and 56 Ill. Adm. 220.200 - 220.700.

My parents donated/sold a time share in 12/2011. They paid for the maintenance fees for 2012. In 2013 they started getting harassed by a col...

an older couple who have been living together/engaged about 20+ years now, need to get married ASAP because one is very sick They are both d...


an older couple who have been living together/engaged about 20+ years now, need to get married ASAP because one is very sick They are both divorced from others probably about 40-50 years ago. Do they need a cert of divorce to get married since divorces were so long ago? Time is critical now and dont know if they can locate the cert. of divorce and dont want any legal problems down the road.


They should contact the Prothonotary where the divorces occurred. That's where the divorce certificates will be.


Does my wife have any claim to my house if she is no own the deed


Does my wife have any claim to my house if she is no own the deed


If the home was purchased during the marriage, then it is most likely a marital asset that is subject to equitable distribution, regardless of the names on the deed.

In the sims 2 open for business can you open a pub?

In the sims 2 open for business can you open a pub?
I've been doing some research to be sure, but i think itspossible if you own "the Sims 2: Open for Business" and "the Sims2: Nightlife".Since Nightlife adds Night clubs to the game, i think it isfairly possible to use the Clubs' items to make a pub.Tell you what, i'll do some more research, and i'll give you aproper answer.

hi....good morning,,,,i have a question i leave here i US in 1 year ago,,i move here wen i was 18 years old turning 20years from ph...


hi....good morning,,,,i have a question i leave here i US in 1 year ago,,i move here wen i was 18 years old turning 20years from philippines,,

so im already US citizen or i need to wait to be a US citizen?my mom she's US Citizen how about me??

and one more question can i petition my brother to bring here in USA?his 23 years old...i know his over age but can i petition him?thank you!


Were you under the age of 18 and a lawful permanent resident when your mother became a U.S. Citizen? If yes, then you are probably a U.S. Citizen. You should have a full consultation with an immigration attorney to determine what your current legal status is. Please feel free to contact me at 415-273-9123 or [email protected]/* */


Seeta L. Nangia, Esq.

Law Offices of Seeta Nangia

Exclusively Practicing Immigration Law

Phone: (415) 273-9123

Email: [email protected]/* */


Offices located in San Francisco and Berkeley

*Licensed in California and Illinois

The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attorney-client communication and/or work product and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and destroy the original and all copies of the message.

What do you mean by accounting in brief?

What do you mean by accounting in brief?
it means classifing summarising in significant matters

Saturday, January 24, 2015

How does research help with decision making?

How does research help with decision making?
Research makes decision making easier and more successful becausepeople can make informed decisions with proper projections.Research can help people predict some outcomes more efficiently.

What is a balanced sheet?

What is a balanced sheet?
Balance sheet is a financial statement. Which shows the total assets, total liabilities and total owner equity a firm has. Further more, balance sheet shows a firm's financial position on a specific date. Balance sheet has an equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owner Equity.

How much is a kilo of ice in UK?

How much is a kilo of ice in UK?
$2000000000000000000 for 1 gram

Amina has a class in which she can only miss twice before she is dropped from the roster Concerned that she may miss more that two time because she has two smll children she is considering moving into?

Amina has a class in which she can only miss twice before she is dropped from the roster Concerned that she may miss more that two time because she has two smll children she is considering moving into?
This is not a question. This is a plee for improved grammar.

If Dick could stuff envelopes working alone for six hours and Jane could stuff them all in four hours how long would it take them working toghether?

If Dick could stuff envelopes working alone for six hours and Jane could stuff them all in four hours how long would it take them working toghether?
Solution:D's rate = x/6 envelopes per hour
J's rate = x/4 "
together x = (x/6 +x/4) * Time
rewritten: x = (4x/24 + 6x/24) * time
again: x = 10x/24*Time
again: 24x = 10x*Time
again: 24/10 = Time
ergo: 2.4 hours (or 144 minutes) <<<< answer

List all car manufacturers from the US and Europe?

List all car manufacturers from the US and Europe?
Click the link.

My ex- hacked my email account and deleted all my email, which included evidence of his abusivie emails, correspondence between myslef and m...


My ex- hacked my email account and deleted all my email, which included evidence of his abusivie emails, correspondence between myslef and my attorney, the court mediator and child counscilor. They live in California and I live in Texas. Have they broken the law? What can I do? I have the IP, Yahoo keeps a record of the logins.


Yes, this breaks both laws about unauthorized entry into personal computer records and laws about tampering with or destruction of evidence. My advice is to focus first on reconstructing the lost information from Yahoo, your attorney's "hard copy" records, the mediator, etc., and then on establishing proof of the tampering for possible use in court. When you've done this, with the help of your lawyer, you can return to your prospective case against the tampering.

How can you hire new people?

How can you hire new people?
First you need to have a business,
When your store/company/business is big that you need more help you can hire more ppl!
The way how to hire ppl is:
1) You interview them.
2) You see if that know your bis. Or he can leren it easily.
3) Tell him how mush he wrote for you and see if he wanna come work for this price.

The man thing is make $$$$$$

I live in NV, divorced in CA. Ex is in violation of both child support and alimony order. He has been medically retired from state of ca job...


I live in NV, divorced in CA. Ex is in violation of both child support and alimony order. He has been medically retired from state of ca job and states I should just be patient since he never put in for a wage adjustment one year ago when his wage changed during the retirement process. I make more money now than I did when order was put in I risk getting the full amount of back money owed if I take both orders to the DA to file on him? Would a judge adjust the back rate due to his change in income even though he never filed to get it adjusted? I would prefer to file with the DA just so this is cut and dry instead of waiting on him but he owes me about 7 months in child support and 32 months of alimony.


Normally, sums owed may NOT be retroactively altered, no matter the changes of circumstances -- if you are owed money, it is collectible, with interest. For background, see:

Identify any five companies and explain their vision mission goals and objectives?

Identify any five companies and explain their vision mission goals and objectives?
Identify any five companies and explain their vision mission goals and objectives

Profit maximization basic objective of firm?

Profit maximization basic objective of firm?
A firm's main objective should be to make decisions that maximize the value of the company for its owners, and as the owners of a company are its shareholders, the main financial objective should be 'the maximization of shareholder wealth'.
Since shareholders receive their wealth through dividends and capital gains, shareholder wealth will be maximized by maximizing the value of dividends and capital gains that shareholders receive over time.

Problems with the 'maximization of profits' objective:

Firstly, there are quantitative difficulties associated with profit. Maximization of profits as a financial objective requires the profit to be defined and measured accurately, and that all the factors contributing to it are known and can be taken into account. It is very doubtful that this requirement can be met on a regular basis.
E.g- If 5 auditors go into the same company, it is very likely that each will come out with a completely different profit figure.

A second problem concerns the timescale over which the profit should be maximized.
Should profit be maximized in the short term or the long term?? Given that profit considers one year at a time, the focus is likely to be on short-term profit maximization at the expense of long-term investment, putting the long term survival of the company into doubt.
There are many examples of companies going into liquidation shortly after declaring high profits. Check out - Polly Peck Plc's dramatic failure in 1990! (good example)

The third problem is that profit does not take account of or make any allowance for risk! It would be inappropriate to concentrate efforts on maximizing accounting profit when this objective does not consider one of the key determinants of shareholder wealth.

So the 'maximization of profit' is not a suitable core objective for a company. That is not to say that a company does not need to pay attention to its profit figures, since falling profits of profit warnings are taken by the financial markets as a sign of financial weakness.
Instead these sort of profit targets/objectives should can serve a useful purpose in helping a company to achieve short-term or operational objectives within its overall strategic plan.

What does cc on a memo mean?

What does cc on a memo mean?
It means courtesy copyBefore the creation and use of the computer people used typewriters. This term "cc" was created to let people know that a "Carbon Copy" was made along with the original and typically they would put the name of the person that they sent the Carbon copy to. Carbon is a type of ink on paper (powdered ink) that was used to allow copies to be made of the same thing on another paper at the same time.Depending on the quality it could be used a nimber of times with deteriating copies.

How do I get free financial advice? How do I get my deceased parents home in my name?


How do I get free financial advice? How do I get my deceased parents home in my name?


Call any broker. Real Estate or financial. Ask if they charge by the transaction or on a fee basis.

As to the home, it depends entirely on how title is held. You may need a probate process, andn need probate counsel to do that . We would need to see the deed to answer your question.


Did your parents have a Will or a Trust?

Are you the only heir?

I suspect that your parents died without a Will and so you will need to hire an attorney to file a Probate for you. Even if you are the sole heir, you will need to go through Probate. For example, there may be Medi-Cal liens that have to be addressed. Meet with a capable Probate attorney and he or she will be able to assist you. Fees for Probate are not paid until the Estate is closed, so it won't cost you out of pocket to start the process.

Is all games allowed for them?

Is all games allowed for them?
no way!

What is a watertight lid?

What is a watertight lid?
Watertight means that when the lid is sealed, water cannot get into or out of the container.

Vision of IBM?

Vision of IBM?
Vision of IBM:Unique perspectivs on how to change the way the world works.

What was the price of petrol in Australia in 1962?

What was the price of petrol in Australia in 1962?
15 pence

An elder in the family created a Trust, signed and notarized, in 2012. He did not create a Certificate of Trust for the Recorder's Office, A...


An elder in the family created a Trust, signed and notarized, in 2012. He did not create a Certificate of Trust for the Recorder's Office, Alameda County, CA. The elder died in 2014. The son is, now, the successor trustee. Is it legal for the son to create the Certificate of Trust (sign/notarize/file) ,for the father's Trust, to be filed with the Alameda County (CA) Recorder's Office?


Yes it is. Assuming the son is now the Trustee of the Trust. Since this is the second question you have presented in this forum and it is clear you do not understand Trust law, you would best be served by contacting a local Trust attorney for help. The cost is far less than the liability for making a mistake.


A new Certification of Trust should be executed whenever there is a change of trustee.

Also, who records Certifications of Trust? An Affidavit of Death of Trustee is recorded to show the change of trustees for real property, and while I suppose you can record a Certification of Trust, I don't know anyone who does it.

We're looking to open a business for installing video cameras for residents and businesses. We're unclear whether we need a license for secu...


We're looking to open a business for installing video cameras for residents and businesses. We're unclear whether we need a license for security and fire alarm installer. Is this required if we're not doing fire alarms and security system but if were doing video surveillance systems only?


Generally speaking, if one is installing systems that detect "intrusion, break-in, movement, sound or fire", for third parties, the installer is required to be licensed. The regulations do not carve specifically out video surveillance. However, you can engage an attorney to initiate an inquiry with the department of state for individual consideration and possible exemption. The cost of such inquiry is fairly low.

You may contact me at your earliest convenience.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

t e l : 2 1 2 -- 3 3 7 -- 9 8 3 7

Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.


You may call your local small business bureau or State Agency in Albany for licensing requirements. Do a google search and take the leads from there.

My dad just passed away and he left us a Living Trust. My step mom told her lawyer don't provide the Living Trust. I talk to her lawyer and ...


My dad just passed away and he left us a Living Trust. My step mom told her lawyer don't provide the Living Trust. I talk to her lawyer and the stated that she don't want to give you guys a copy. I am a Trustee on the Living Trust, do I supposed to have a copy. Please advise. Thank you


If the trust, or a part of it, became irrevocable upon your father's death, then you and your siblings have a right to request a copy of the trust and to ask for information regarding administration. You should send the request in writing to your stepmother's lawyer. However, if the entire trust remains revocable following your dad's death, your stepmother is not required to give you a copy.