Friday, January 3, 2014

Business owners policy?

Business owners policy?
A Business Owner would most likely put no smoking signs in a Hotel for example or any other Business, a Business Owner can also put signs for zero tolerance for Racism on the Employees part or the Guests at a Hotel, some people might not like that policy but if I were an Owner of a Hotel or another Business that's what I would do.

And again if guest at a Hotel don't like the no tolerance Poltcy for Racism a Business Owner might lose their costumers, but the way I see it is that if you can't respect Employees enough to say something nice about them then people shouldn't say anything at all. And one last thing, assuming I were a Hotel and Casino Owner for example I would also inform my Employees that if they chose to date each other they can but they should leave their personal lives at the door so their work performance won't be affected.

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