Sunday, January 19, 2014

i am in a divorce that is in its forth year and i was just about to file a motion of contempt when i received a letter from my wifes new att...


i am in a divorce that is in its forth year and i was just about to file a motion of contempt when i received a letter from my wifes new atty. she got him after she tried to get child support from a man she had a child with after we split and couldnt due to us being married. he has filed to bifurcate based only on her name change. my question is if this is granted and we our divorced can i still get a hearing for the contempt. basically i found out about an abnormal amount of domestic violence that has happened and i wasnt aware. also my wife refuses to follow our parent plan and i cant afford a atty however there has to be some way i can get answers. its been 21 weeks since ive seen my child and only spoke to her 4 times in that time..after pulling the court records i now no why she didnt want me to see my child. i dnt know what to do and i only have till the 11th to see what my rites are as the atty also filed a default to obtain a fast court date..


You need to discuss this with your attorney. As a general rule you may file a Contempt Motion unless the issue has been resolved by the Judge.

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