Friday, January 3, 2014

I have gotten several dus ticket because of failure to pay ticket I had started out paying an attonery but I was out of work due to medical ...


I have gotten several dus ticket because of failure to pay ticket I had started out paying an attonery but I was out of work due to medical issue wasn,t getting paid so the attonery stop going tocourt getting the court date put off which cause me to accumulate several failure to appear which the last time I was stopped I was taken to jail due to the failure to appear but I did get a ticket for dus which I got to go to court on what are my chances getting more time since iam back at work at to get my problem under control..........thank you in so much need of help


You have the wrong idea about things here. It appears from your question that you think: "the attorney stop going to court getting the court date put off which cause me to accumulate several failure to appear". That is wrong - you have FTA's because YOU did not go to Court when you knew you had not paid your attorney. You mention you have 'several' DUS tickets (which I suspect you mean DWLR tickets). Which means after the first one, you knew your license was suspended and you continued to drive anyway. Again which means it is 100% totally your fault. To correct this problem simply start doing the things you are suppose to do like appear at your court dates and stop doing the things you aren't suppose to do like driving when your license is suspended. Had you have just chosen to do right from the beginning - you would not be in this mess now. Now that you are back to work, your best bet is to hire an attorney, pay the attorney, get these tickets resolved and do not drive until you have had you license reinstated.

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