Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I have my own question my husband had gotten arrested on an old charge in Tennessee that was from 2009. He supposed to have missed court in ...


I have my own question my husband had gotten arrested on an old charge in Tennessee that was from 2009. He supposed to have missed court in Tennessee so they put a capias warrant out on him in 2009. He has not gotten any other charges and we have been pulled over before they ran his name and nothing came up. So one day we were in Iowa and I got pulled over because the police officer could not see my drive out tag so the officer of course ran everybody's name in the car. When my husband's name came back it said he had a warrant In Tennessee but it was none extraditable but they arrested him anyways. He is setting in jail with no bond right now and refusing to sign the extradition papers so how long can they make him wait in jail before they have to let him out. If you need to know it's an old burglary charge that he served time for and got let out by the judge. But they are saying he missed court on which I don't understand since he served time and was let out. Yeah if anyone knows Iowa law how long will they hold him for?


That's really a problem for the people in Tennessee-and your husband- to decide. If he missed a court date then he missed a court date and a warrant was issued. He can refuse to sign anything and it won't make a lick of difference. If Tennessee wants him what will happen is they'll get a governor's warrant and off he will go. If they don't want him they may take their own sweet time about saying they won't extradite. Maybe you need an attorney to sort of move the process along.

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