Monday, January 20, 2014

I have taken care of a boyfriend for a few years, because he had afelony DUI. It was somewhat without my desire but he needed help. I was ho...


I have taken care of a boyfriend for a few years, because he had afelony DUI. It was somewhat without my desire but he needed help. I was hoping to get my money back once he started working. His family helped very little. He has said that he will repay me but we dont have a written agreement. During fighting once he pushed me and something cracked in my lower back. It always hurt after that.After working like crazy to pay the bills that must have caused more problems and now I have inflammated sciatic nerve ,a broken vertebrae and som misalignment. I should stop doing physical work in order this to heal . that's why I asked for some of my money that this man owes me. He still doens't have a stable income, but his mom could get some secong mortgage. They refused and everything became one bid yielling.

Can I get my money back somehow? Especially now when I am in trouble I really need it.

Thank you from Illinois


Many people would consider your helping him to be gifts. Unless you have a written agreement with him that he will repay you so amount, what proof do you have that he owes you any money. Moreover his family has no obligation whatsoever to pay you anything. Sometimes being a nice, good person is not to your benefit.

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